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If there are any errors they are not the naturalist's, but mine, because, although I have written a great deal on a horse's back, I am not proof against the accident of Whiskers stirring a yellow-jackets' nest on the trail, or of Buddy stumbling, weary beast that he was, over a root on the path.

When Mike Sikoria came up from the pit that day, Hal took him aside and told him of the gathering. A look of delight came upon the old Slovak's face as he listened; he grabbed his buddy by the shoulders, crying, "You mean it?" "Sure meant it," said Hal. "You want to be on the committee to go and see the boss?" "Pluha biedna!" cried Mike which is something dreadful in his own language.

Carpenter faced him without flinching; there was something so majestic about him, the man did not strike him, he merely put his spread hand against the prophet's chest and shoved him violently. "Get back out of the way!" I well knew the risk I was taking, but I could not refrain. "Now, look here, buddy!" I began; and the soldier whirled upon me. "You one of these Huns, too?"

He said Vint Farley, as treasurer of the company, had made a draft on him and taken it all." Tom sprang out of his chair and the bitter oaths upbubbled and choked him. But he stifled them long enough to say: "And the men?" "The miners went out at ten o'clock this morning. The blacks would have stood by us, but Ludlow's men drove 'em out made 'em quit. We're done, Buddy."

Anyhow this is how it goes: "I love to flip and flop and flap, And buzz around the room, I leap up to the ceiling high, And hit it with a boom! I turn a double somersault. My wings they play a tune. It's lots of fun to be a bug, Especially in June." And then, land sakes, and a feather pillow; if Buddy Pigg wasn't fast asleep.

Gray promptly taught him the wrestling trick by which he had accomplished the feat, and flattered the boy immensely by refusing to again try his skill. The older man, when he really played, could enter into sport with tremendous zest and he did so now; he taught Buddy trick after trick; they matched each other in feats of strength and agility.

"Oh, I guess I'll have to go after them, no matter if I have cut my foot," said the man at last, and he put on his shoe, though it hurt him, and he began to limp over the hilly field, very slowly and painfully. All at once Brighteyes said to Buddy: "Oh, Bud, that man is the farmer, and it's his wife who gives us the buttermilk!

When a group of enthusiastic Frenchmen would get hold of a buddy, they would insist on taking him to a cafe and buying the most expensive of wines. If we could have conserved all the liquor the French were willing to buy for us that day, dry America would not worry us.

So, if you please, the next book of Bedtime Stories will be called "Joie, Tommie and Kittie Kat." Their names are spelled with a "K" you may notice, but they are not at all proud, or stuck-up, on that account. I hope you will like them as well as you have Buddy and Brighteyes Pigg.

Buddy had heard of drillers decapitated by flying cables, of human bodies caught within those wire loops and cut in twain as if made of lard, for when a wedged tool resumes its downward plunge it straightens those coils above ground in the twinkling of an eye. Instinct, rather than reason, warned Buddy not to check the blinding revolutions of the bull wheel.