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An experimental plane in that position would have to be rising straight up, and this creature was traveling almost horizontally, with the wind. Besides, I heard no motor or any kind of power plant." "You're as lucid as lamplight, ol' buddy. You explain everything except what made that stingaree fly." Rick grinned wryly. "I'll never get a swelled head with you sticking pins in it."

"It is so very warm that I shall walk on the shady side of the street, and keep a handkerchief, wet in ice water, on my head." "I was cool enough the other night," remarked Buddy Pigg. "In fact, I shivered when I saw the burglar fox trying to get in," and he actually shivered again when he thought of it, and of how he had scared the bad fox away, as I told you in the story just before this one.

Well, lots of them were fired off, and then Buddy Pigg got some empty bags, and his soldiers blew them up, and they cracked 'em down, and they went off "Boom! Boom!" like great, big cannons. They blew dust up in the air, to pretend it was smoke, and there was the most terrible make-believe battle you ever heard of.

When Buddy came down he landed right on an old rubber boot that some one had thrown away in the woods, and it was so bouncy and springy that he was tossed high up in the air again, and he curved sideways, just like a baseball, when he came down this time, and where on earth do you s'pose he landed? Why, right in the middle of a big, scratchy, blackberry bush! Yes, sir, that's where it was!

"The boat is taking me away off," answered Buddy. "Jump out and swim to shore!" cried Peetie. "I can't swim," called back Buddy. "Oh, we'll show you how," went on Jackie, and then he and Peetie jumped into the water and began to show Buddy how to swim, but he was too frightened to learn, and, besides, the two puppy dogs were too far off for him to see them plainly.

Faster and faster went Gup through the dark woods his hoofs going "tat-a-tat-too," and he didn't bump into a tree or a bush, and he did not jar off Buddy or Dr. Possum, and pretty soon there they were safe at Dr. Pigg's house, and Dr. Possum gave Buddy's papa some medicine that soon made him better. Then Gup, the kind horsie, took Dr.

At first Buddy thought it was fun; then, as he saw that he was getting farther and farther from shore, he became frightened. He looked for something with which to send the boat back to land, but there was no sail in it, and no oars; and, if there had been, the little guinea pig boy couldn't have used them, I don't suppose.

I've told you one; I'm too fond of you Briskows to risk ruining Buddy." "What's the other one?" "A purely personal reason. I have a definite something to do here in Texas. Before I can accomplish it, I shall have to make a lot of money, but that I shall do easily. I make money rapidly when I start." "You gotta git goin' afore long."

"She didn't pull the family estate and her father's slaves and the orange grove on you, did she?" "Oh no. She used that on Buddy and he believes it implicitly so implicitly that she warned me to keep off the track. She showed her teeth, in a nice way. I've seen her somewhere; in some place where I should not have been. But where?

Step-and-a-Half had a way of entertaining Indians which never failed to interest Buddy, however often he witnessed it. When Step-and-a-Half glimpsed Indians coming afar off, he would take his dishpan and dump into it whatever scraps of food were left over from the preceding meal.