United States or Poland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He glanced out of the window and saw that it was light outside. The early morning sun shone on the bare limbs of the trees and made them glisten. Here and there a bud could be seen almost ready to burst its shell and Bob rejoiced to see signs of the coming of spring and summer. He was not happy, however, for the loss of the car weighed him down and oppressed him.

He picked up the mitten and laid it to dry on the slab mantel, and when he returned, Lovin Child was sitting in the pan, rocking back and forth and crooning "'Ock-a-by! 'Ock-a-by!" with the impish twinkle in his eyes. Cash was just picking him out of the pan when Bud came in with a load of wood.

Moreover, when Bud, fully recovered, searched his memory of that supper and decided that it was the sliced cucumbers that had disagreed with him, Jerry gravely assured him that it undoubtedly was the combination of cucumber and custard pie, and that Bud was lucky to be alive after such reckless eating. Having missed the dance altogether, Bud looked forward with impatience to Sunday.

Bud laughed in his deep-throated way, which was only another indication of his buoyant mood. "You'd know 'em, boy, if you'd had a father build up a big pelt trading post right in this valley, an' fer sixteen years o' your life you'd ridden, an' shot, an' hunted over this blue grass, and these hills, for nigh a range of fifty mile.

Hands suddenly put her gently to one side, and some one dragged Stratton from his dangerous position and supported him against an upraised knee. It was Bud Jessup, and behind him loomed the figures of Sheriff Hardenberg and several of his men. Mary's glance noted them briefly, incuriously, returning anxiously to the man beside her.

He wondered a bit at its apparent expensiveness. Perhaps, however, Becky was skillful with her needle. Some women were. He did not care greatly for such skill, but he was charmed by the effect. "You are a rose among the roses," he said again, and broke off a big pink bud from a bush near by. "Bend your head a little. I want to put it in your hair." His fingers caught in the bronze mesh.

We count the pale-faces, and every summer they grow fast as the grass on the prairies. We can see more when the leaf falls than when the tree is in bud; and, then, more when the leaf is in bud than when it falls. A few moons will put a town where the pine stood, and wigwams drive the wolves from their homes.

Bud said he could fix the rudder of the model so that when once it was in the air, it would continue to make revolutions for a certain time. He declared it would actually fly around the field slowly until the measured stock of gasoline had been exhausted, when of course it would drop to the ground as the engine ceased to work. "You see I expect to manage by means of this cord," he explained.

How many amateurs do you suppose were listening in and got the messages between you and those two radio contestants?" "I bet there were a hundred if there was one," declared Hal. "And were they interested?" "Were they?" exclaimed Cub. "Every last one of 'em was wild with curiosity." "And did they talk about it to anybody?" "They didn't talk about anything else," Bud opined.

Atkins, his solicitor, post haste, and snapped the estate out of that purchaser's hands. When the lands and house had been duly conveyed to him, he came down, and his heart seemed to bud again, in the scenes of his childhood.