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"I'm off for something to eat," said Callahan, "and by the way, what shall I tell Bucks about the chances?" "Can you get Ed Smith's outfit?" asked Glover, speaking to Blood. "Well, I know you can Ed's a Denver man." He meditated another moment; "We need his whole outfit, mind you." "I'll get it or resign. If I succeed, when can you get a train through?" "By midnight." Callahan staggered.

Look at the shape of 'er!" quoth he, pointing out Diana to his companions. "A tidy piece eh, my bucks an' pippins?" Here rose an answering chorus of laughing profanity and worse, amongst which I caught the words, "Pretty filly!" "A dainty tit!" "A kiss all round, Tom! Share an' share, Tom!" "Oho, Tinker, pull an' be damned t' ye!"

"Folks been sayin' the same of you," said High Chin, turning to the supervisor. "Oh, folks will talk. They're made that way," chuckled Shoop. "Well, I got ten bucks that says High Chin can outshoot any hombre in this crowd," said a Starr boy. "I'm right glad you got it," said Shoop pleasantly. "Meanin' I stand to lose it, eh?" "Oh, gosh, no! You're steppin' on your bridle.

When the judge finally came back to his chair the saturnine face was gray and haggard. "I hope it was an accident that can be clearly proved," he said; and a moment later: "You spoke of Bucks and Guilford; were there others in the private car?" "Two others; Halkett, and the governor's private secretary." "And were they all killed?"

The bucks came so close together that it seemed to him that he did not rest a second in the saddle; that each time the big brute struck the ground with his four feet bunched together, to pause for a breathless moment, gathering every ounce of strength to wrench, leaping sideways, he must surely be thrown.

Nothing can be conceived more terribly grand than the rush of so large an animal through the air; and it was a curious circumstance that within a few days no less than two bucks had gone over precipices, although I had never witnessed one such an accident more than once before. Upon reaching the fatal spot, I, of course, found him lying stone dead.

I want to retire, as they call it, and let the young bucks do the work." "Oh, you're not an old man," protested Mendenhall with reason. "Your amazing vitality your energetic " Britt pulled at his luxuriant white hair. "Oh, good enough for an old has-been!" He laughed with pardonable vanity. "Pretty hearty yet, owing to having lived a clean and wholesome life, thank God; but aging, sir aging.

Then a small and vague object outlined itself in the gloom, but halted questioningly on the threshold. Wagging his abbreviated tail very gently and carrying his drooping ears very low, Scuffy at length walked slowly into the room. Bucks hailed him with delight, and Scuffy bounding forward crouched at his feet.

Well, what with one thing and another I've got very fed up with Madame Bucks. It's all dirty and half baked. There's great holes in the carpet of my sitting-room holes you could put your foot through. And I've done that, as a matter of fact. Put my foot through and nearly gone over. Should have done, only for the table. Well, I mean to say ... you can't help being fed up with it.

One, a little ahead, breaking path; following, two large men tramping close together, the foremost stooping under the weight of a man lying face upward on his back, while the man behind supported the legs under his arms. "They are carrying Morris Blood. He is hurt that was to be expected. What?" exclaimed Bucks, hardly a moment afterward, "they are crossing the snow.