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We can creep through the woods to the head of the village, where these cannibals are always dancing round their suppers of human flesh; and if the carbines of the men are loaded with a heavy charge of buck-shot, we can drop forty or fifty at the first volley. After that the thing will be easy enough.

"'T roifle is loaden wi' a single ball, and 't single goon wi' yan of them green cartridges!" "Much good ball and buck-shot will do us against partridge; nevertheless, if one trees, I'll try if I can't cut his head off for him," said Archer, laughing. "Nay! nay! it be-ant book-shot; it's no but noomber three; tak' haud on't, Measter Draa, tak' haud on't.

There was a bellowing detonation, and a spatter of shot fell about the flying car. "That ain't goin' to hurt nobody," commented Pros philosophically. "It's no more than buck-shot anyhow." But on the word followed a more ominous crack, and there was the whine of a bullet above them. "My God, I can't let her do this," Gray protested.

The owner of the flour ran to the tent, took his shot gun and fired a load of buck-shot into the donkey's hams. The animal reeled and seemed shot fatally. I now looked for a battle to commence, but the parties were more reasonable. The price of the animal was fully paid, and no blood shed as I expected there surely would be. We now prospected further east, but nothing good enough was found.

His brothers, seeing him do so, followed his example Francois emptying both barrels that had been loaded with buck-shot. One of the bears the cub it was tumbled back down the ravine but after the volley the largest of all was seen clambering up, growling fiercely as he came. The hunters, not having time to reload, ran off over the table scarcely knowing what direction to take.

Norman sat near the bow, in order to attend to his torch of pine-knots. Francois was next to him, holding his double-barrel, loaded with buck-shot, which is the same size as that used for swans, and in England is even known as "swan-shot." Next came Basil with his rifle. He sat near Francois, just by the middle of the little vessel.

Another shared his fate, with seven buck-shot in his shield, and as many in his body. The French, with shouts, redoubled their fire, and the Indians at length lost heart and fell back. The wounded dropped guns, shields, and war-clubs, and the whole band withdrew to the shelter of a fort which they had built in the forest, three miles above.

Francois had put buck-shot into both barrels, and was full of confidence that he was about to "throw" his first buffalo. As they drew nearer, a lustrous appearance upon the bodies of the strange animals attracted their attention. Were they buffaloes, after all? The brothers rode quietly onward, observing them with attention. No, buffaloes they were not.

Peters loads Mr. Pownal's gun with sixteen buck-shot, topples him off a precipice twenty feet high, breaks three of his ribs, and makes a considerable incision in his skull. Never was there such a wonderful escape. It is too horrible." "How the newspapers are given to big stories!" said Mrs. Bernard.

"I'll take you in." Rezin spread two barrels of buck-shot among the howling ranks, hoisted Dave upon his back, and with shot-gun in one hand and pistol in the other staggered for the trees. There was another volley. "Got me twice more," Dave gasped. "Drop me if you can't make in." Rezin Bowie had no thought of dropping him, but eight of the Indians were hot after, with tomahawks.