United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Miss Burton says," announced the butler, his usual suavity shaken beyond control, "that there is no answer to your note. She says you already have her reply." The coffee in the percolator was bubbling furiously, and the ice about the grape-fruit was beginning to melt. Hamilton Burton rose abruptly from his chair. "Please excuse me for a moment, Carl," he said in a low voice.

There it stands, apart from the town, beside the pier, in a climate of its own, half inland, half marine in front, the ferry bubbling with the tide and the guardship swinging to her anchor; behind, the old garden with the trees. Americans seek it already for the sake of Lovel and Oldbuck, who dined there at the beginning of "The Antiquary."

Why did I do it? It was the fear that Aaron in his study would see me. Voices, confused and indistinct, I heard, sending bubbling words up through the sea of darkness down below. At first I did not try to hear; I listened only to the great throbbings of my own heart, until there came the sound of a woman's voice. It was eager, anxious, and pained. It asked, "Did he see you?"

In secret, even from Louis who spent much of his leisure with him, he began to acquire the well-known accomplishments of the real Arthur Dillon, who had sung and danced his way into the hearts of his friends, who had been a wit for a boy, bubbling over with good spirits, an athlete, a manager of amateur minstrels, a precocious gallant among the girls, a fighter ever ready to defend the weak, a tireless leader in any enterprise, and of a bright mind, but indifferent to study.

There was soft new moss underfoot, and one walked as if in a temple. Thyrsis pointed out a seat beside a deep bubbling pool. "Here's where I sit and write," he said. "And how comes the book?" asked Corydon. "Oh, I'm hammering at it that's the best I can say." "What is it?" "Why it's a story. I suppose it'll be called a romance, though I don't like the word." Corydon pondered for a moment.

"Where?" cried Singh eagerly. "In his bed." "Oh!" roared Singh passionately; and hearing his loud voice the elephant grunted and began to rise slowly. "There, I knew you would do it," cried Glyn, who was bubbling over with fun. "He's coming upstairs."

"'In a moment, like a drop of rain, He sinks into its depths with bubbling groan, Without a grave, unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown. "This part of the ceremony is rather less impressive than the correspondent part on land; but still there is something solemn, as well as startling, in the sudden splash, followed by the sound of the grating, as it is towed along under the main-chains.

He soon discovered that a family of squirrels had made a home beneath a piece of flooring within easy reach of where he lay, and upon forcing up the piece of rotten plank he found to his intense joy an almost endless supply of nuts, and close beside their burrow a running stream of clear, cool, fresh, bubbling spring water. In an instant he had slaked his thirst and laved his burning brow.

They had nailed two breadths of canvas to the trees on the north and west sides and run the breadths rapidly together; and the water was boiling and bubbling in the balers, when Miss Rolleston uttered a scream, for Hazel came running over the prostrate palm-tree as if it was a proper bridge, and lighted in the midst of them.

On the one hand were delightful groves, the sweet flowers of which perfumed the air we breathed; on the other, a clear fountain sprang bubbling from the crevice of a rock, and, after falling from the top of a little hill among a tuft of flowers, bent its devious course to join the waters of the river.