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I shall not narrate to you the details of the monstrous crime of which I was accused there are events which people should neither remember nor even know, that they may not acquire a feeling of aversion for themselves; but no doubt there are many people among the living who remember that terrible case and "the human brute," as the newspapers called me at that time.

But before Capuzzi had ascended two steps, the fellow who was up above came tumbling headlong downstairs, caught hold of the old man, and whisked him away like a whirlwind out through the open door below into the middle of the street. There they both lay, Capuzzi at bottom and the drunken brute like a heavy sack on top of him.

I don't happen to have been in a battle, but one knows very well how easy it must be for any coward or brute, excited to madness, to become what's called a hero. Heroism is noble courage in ordinary life. Are you serious in thinking that life offers no opportunities for it?" "Well it's not quite the same thing " "Happily, not! It's a vastly better thing.

"Now," said Peterkin gravely, "that brute is a heartless monster; I'll have nothing more to do with it." "I'm pretty sure now," said Jack, "that it is merely a phosphoric light; but I must say, I'm puzzled at its staying always in that exact spot."

She had done the same before, and, if needs be, she would do so again. She could not see her mother struck, perhaps killed by that brute; her first duty was to save her mother, but these constant demands on her little savings filled her with terror.

And yet as the Duke walked about his room he felt that his opposition either to the one marriage or to the other was vain. Of course they would marry according to their wills. That same night Gerald wrote to his brother before he went to bed, as follows: DEAR SILVER, I was awfully obliged to you for sending me the I.O.U. for that brute Percival.

McKeith went up to his wife who was still standing by the corner of the table, and put his arm round the little trembling form. 'Oh! Biddy my darling. I've been a brute. I'm not fit to take care of you. I ought to have thought of all that. But one gets used to such goings-on in the Bush, and they aren't bad chaps the bullockys, and you've got to discount their lurid language a bit.

She will never find so trusty an animal to lead her about; but I'll be revenged on the fellow, whoever he is. He ought to have known that you never poached, though you did love to run after a hare, for the fun of the thing. If I can meet the savage brute I'll shoot him, as sure as my name is Richard Hargrave." "What's that you say, you young ruffian?" exclaimed a voice near him.

"Gyp wouldn't stay," Phil explained. "I tied him up, but he chewed through the rope." "H'm," the captain grunted, "I guess he'd eat through a chain by the looks of him. He's about the toughest brute I ever set my eyes on. Does he ever eat people?" A hearty laugh from the boys was the only reply to the captain's sarcastic remark.

"This cannot possibly last very much longer," remarked Escombe reassuringly to his companions, who had by this time turned a sickly, greenish-yellow with terror at so unaccustomed an adventure and that, too, on an element to which they were practically strangers "the brute will soon become exhausted at this rate, and when he does we will haul him alongside and finish him off with our spears and arrows.