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It seemed that his head was being shattered, that his skull was being smashed; he lost his senses, howled as loudly as he could, furiously defending himself from the man who rushed at him anew as if he wished to implant his whole arm in the depths of his bowels, brusquely recoiled a step and, lifting the tooth attached to the jaw, brutally let him fall back into the chair.

Of course, there is a quick way of deciding who shall win, you or the fish, and that is to pull away, with might and main, straight for shore, and undertake to drag your captive to you by sheer muscle, brutally matching your strength against his.

"Instead of accepting the boy's excuse, the man, beside himself with anger, and slightly under the influence of wine, sprang from the carriage, and seizing the lad, kicked him brutally. "The grandfather, who was working in his garden, saw the incident, and hurried as fast as he could to the rescue.

This spectacle lent the secretary wings; and he did not relax his pace until he had gained the Bayswater Road, and plunged at random into an unfrequented by-street. To see two gentlemen of his acquaintance thus brutally mauling each other was deeply shocking to Harry.

'Pardon? I said, turning. 'That gentleman? he said, hesitating and looking at me doubtfully. 'Have you considered what will happen to him if you give him up to the authorities? 'Who is he? I asked sharply. 'That is rather a delicate question, he answered frowning. 'Not for me, I replied brutally, 'since he is in my power.

The German public is fully informed of all that has been done, and considers that they have been brutally, wrongfully treated. Lord Bryce's report as well as the French and Belgian official reports have been dealt with at considerable length in the German Press, but receive no credence whatever; they are lies, all lies invented to blacken the character of poor, noble, generous Germany!

"Your sentiments betray the indiscretion of which madame your mother must have been guilty." The brutally affronting words were sped beyond recall, and the lips that had uttered them, coldly, as if they had been the merest commonplace, remained calm and faintly sneering. A dead silence followed. Andre-Louis' wits were numbed.

At length, however, he swept the thing away, remarking brutally that if half he had heard were true, soon the name by which she had last been called in life would not concern her, and bade the clerks write her down as Cicely Harflete or Foterell. Then Emlyn gave her name, and Sister Bridget's was written without question. Next the charge against them was read.

It is not very long since we decided that when a parent brutally abused his child, it could be taken from him and made the ward of the state; the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is of later date than the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Was this the truth, or after all ought I really to see that at every turn of her speech, by coy bendings of the head, by the dark seductions of dim half-captive locks about her oval temples, and by many an indescribable swaying of the form and of the voice, I was being to speak it brutally challenged? Even in the poetic obscurity of the night I lost all steadiness of eye as I pertly said