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They sat on a little irregular terrace, a few feet above the water, and Dick, taking the cup from his flask, and having dipped, tasted, rinsed and filled again, passed it to Amaryllis. "Good water," he said, watching her drink. Amaryllis smiled on him as she finished, and plunged into the ample pocket of Mrs. Brundage's skirt for her chocolate.

Many's the stag supper I've had with the boys there in my bungalow, and been back behind the wicket as Edward Clayte in the Van Ness Avenue bank on time next morning. I was in that room at the St. Dunstan about as much as a fellow's in his front hall. I walked through it to Henry J. Brundage's room at the Nugget; I stayed there more often than I did at the St. Dunstan, unless I came on here.

From this tree-clump could be seen, facing the junction of the sandy road with the metalled, the front and the swinging signboard of "The Goat in Boots." And here, that its two more ordinary-looking members might shed the oddity which they owed to the company of the third, the party was to separate. For in Amaryllis, sleep, Dick's care and Mrs. Brundage's wardrobe had worked transformation.

"Find that all out to-day in San Francisco?" "No." "Oh, it was the Brundage clew that took you south?" "Yep. Left Louie on the job at the hotel while I was away. To-day, I went after Brundage's automobile. Found he'd kept one in a garage on Jackson Street." "It's gone, of course and no trace," Barbara murmured. "Gone since the day of the bank theft," Worth nodded. "He and the money went in it."

With the cut cheek decently washed, the face shaved with Tom Brundage's worst razor, and a patch of flour congealing the blood of his wound, he looked very different from the ruffian who had disturbed, so short a while since, the lunch of the Brundage chickens.