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There was only one idea in his head now to batter and bruise and crush this weakling, then cast him at the feet of his love-lorn wife. He brought into service all his Oriental bar-room tricks. Time after time he sent Spurlock into this corner or that; but always the boy regained his feet before the murderous boot could reach the mark.

A whirl of gray wood ashes, light as air, floated on and ever on over Superior. The site of the mill, the squares where the piles of lumber had stood, glowed incandescence over which already a white film was forming. Daly and his man were slapped and cuffed hither and thither at the men's will. Their faces bled, their bodies ached as one bruise. "That squares us," said the men.

It was all harmonious, and decorous, and properly conducted, this state visit; yet even so, Juno and John exchanged at parting some verbal sweet-meats which rather stuck out from the smooth meringue of diplomacy. She contemplated his bruise. "You are feeling stronger, I hope, than you have been lately? A bridegroom's health should be good." He thanked her.

The bruise gradually assumed such a serious condition that it ended his life. Jean Baptiste Senaillé, who was a pupil of Anêt, was born in 1687, and turned to the Italian school. In 1719 he entered the service of the Duke of Orleans. Francesco Geminiani was considered the ablest of the pupils of Corelli, and was born about 1680.

We turned back again along the road, and I noticed the right side of his face for the first time. Under the ear was a large livid bruise. "That hobo, or whoever he was," I said, "must have been a better fighter than Andrew. I see he landed on your cheek. Are you always fighting?" His annoyance disappeared. Apparently the Professor enjoyed a fight almost as much as he did a good book.

The first case of bruise which I shall detail was not severe, but will serve to illustrate the mode of treatment by the adherent eschar. Mr. Symons, aged 60, slipped off a chair and bruised the shin, last evening; the skin was removed to the extent of an inch in one part and a square inch in another. He applied a common poultice.

The lady might even make the bread, and often did so; and the word lady comes from hlæfdige dig being the Old English word for knead. The common word maul may mean to beat and bruise a person, but it means more often merely to handle something carelessly and roughly.

But it is not for you to penetrate into the secret of their love mystery. Leave that to the downy bee, the soft-winged moth, the flying beetle, who, seeking their own pleasure, carry the life-bestowing pollen from flower to flower. Your heavy hand would bruise the soft flesh and discolor its purity.

Boil a little rapeseed, bruise and mix it with as much grated bread, mace seed, and the yolk of an egg boiled hard; and supply them with a small quantity every day, that it may not become stale or sour. Besides this, give them a little scalded rapeseed, and a little rape and canary seed by itself.

Before his little ship broke up he'd been shaken intolerably, and his body had weighed half a ton. Where his safety-belt had held him, his body was one wide bruise. There'd been that killing acceleration when the ship split in two. The others except Mike were in as bad a case or worse. Haney and the Chief were like men who'd been rolled down Mount Everest in a barrel.