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My astonishment was as great as my satisfaction and thankfulness, when I discovered that when I tried to get up I could do so, and that when I shook myself none of my bones rattled; indeed, except a bruise or two, there was very little the matter with me, while my rifle was in the same perfect condition.

Just because he's bigger than me." "You began," said Jane incautiously. "I know I did, silly but I was only jollying and he kicked me look here" Robert tore down a stocking and showed a purple bruise touched up with red. "I only wish I was bigger than him, that's all." He dug his fingers in the sand, and sprang up, for his hand had touched something furry.

Echoing all these great words, Paul promises the Roman Christians that 'the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. Now, when any special characteristic is thus ascribed to God, as when He is called 'the God of patience' or 'the God of hope, in the preceding chapter, the characteristic selected has some bearing on the prayer or promise following.

Jennings gathered himself up, from that Jew-of-Malta tumble down the steps, less damaged by the fall than could have been imagined possible; the fact being that his cat-like nature had stood him in good stead he had lighted on his feet; and nothing but a mighty dorsal bruise bore witness to the prowess of a Jonathan.

"Nothing," was Juliet's reply. "But I heard loud voices." "That was only when Miss Sutton walked on baby." "Poor little fellow! How did that happen?" "Oh, I don't know; he just slipped off my lap at the very moment that she was coming out. He's not hurt." Mrs. Rowles picked up the baby to make sure that he was not injured, and found no mark or bruise.

To make Red Curran Wine another Way. Take five quarts of red currans, full ripe, bruise them, and take from them all the stalks, to every five quarts of fruit put a gallon of water; when you have your quantity, strain them thro' a hair-sieve, and to every gallon of liquor put two pounds and three quarters of sugar; when your sugar is dissolved tun it into your cask, and let it stand three weeks, then draw it off, and put to every gallon a quarter of a pound of sugar; wash your barrel with cold water, tun it up, and let it stand about a week; to every ten gallons put an ounce of isinglass, dissolve it in some of the wine, when it is dissolved put to it a quart of your wine, and beat them with a whisk, then put it into the cask, and stop it up close; when it is fine bottle it.

They beat her, thrashed her, kicked her for no reason till her body was one bruise. And that mother could sleep, hearing the poor child’s groans! Can you understand why a little creature, who can’t even understand what’s done to her, should beat her little aching heart with her tiny fist in the dark and the cold, and weep her meek unresentful tears to dear, kind God to protect her?

Yet the merciful God would not give up all the creatures whom He had made, to eternal destruction without a ray of hope, and even while sentencing them to the punishment they had drawn on themselves, He held out the promise that the Seed of the woman should bruise the head of the serpent, the Devil; and they were taught by the sight of sacrifices of animals, that the death of the innocent might yet atone for the sin of the guilty; though these creatures were not of worth enough really to bear the punishment for man.

Run! such time was never made before; overhauled my companions in no time; passed them; began to wonder that a man shot through the body could run so fast, and to suspect that perhaps I was not mortally wounded after all; felt for the hole the ball had made, found it in the blouse and shirt, bad bruise on the ribs, nothing more spent ball; never relaxed my speed; saw everything around see it yet.

"SHE shall bruise thy head," as it is interpreted in the Roman Catholic Church. The APPLE, which of all the attributes is the most common, signifies the fall of man, which made Redemption necessary. It is sometimes placed in the hands of the Child; but when in the hand of the Mother, she is then designated as the second Eve.