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The Colonel yawned for the third time, looked at his watch, sighed, lifted his finely arched brows with a whimsical smile for his own somnolence; then, with an "I beg your pardon, my love," took out a lace handkerchief, spread it over his face and head, and, crossing his legs, sunk back into the capacious corner of the coach.

The baroness bent her stately brows, and the twenty rosy lips were all tightly pursed up, to prevent the indecorous exhibition which the wicked courtier had provoked. But it would not do: one and all the twenty lips broke into a smile, but a smile so tortured, constrained, and nipped in the bud, that it only gave an expression of pain to the features it was forbidden to enliven.

Indeed, dear Duchess, I cannot, and yet if words can " "Pho!" exclaimed the Duchess, knitting her brows at him, but with eyes still ineffably soft and tender, "what do you mean by 'home, pray?" "I am going back to my father and Natty Bell." "And to that inn?" "Yes, Duchess. You see, there is not, there never was, there never shall be quite such another inn as the old 'Hound."

His brows are contracted; his eyes bent on the house of the Bardi, as if they would pierce the stones of its walls; and now they are cast down, as though he would raise them no more on earth. But he starts, for he hears a loud shriek, a rushing, and an opening of the crowd: they seem to be awed by something that approaches.

Won't you please tell me what you are and.... Are you a friend of Mr. Calendar's?" "I think I may lay claim to that honor, though" to Kirkwood's way of seeing things some little frankness on his own part would be essential if they were to get on "I hardly know him, Mrs. Hallam. I had the pleasure of meeting him only this afternoon." She knitted her brows over this statement.

Ay, let your French novels and books of their type say what they will infidelity is a crime, a low, brutal crime, as bad if not worse than murder, and deserves as stern a sentence!" A sudden spirit of defiant insolence possessed her. She drew herself erect, and her level brows knitted in a dark frown. "Sentence!" she exclaimed, imperiously. "How dare you judge me! What harm have I done?

"Wait a bit, he is not drunk yet! A bottle here," said Anatole, taking a glass from the table he went up to Pierre. "First of all you must drink!" Pierre drank one glass after another, looking from under his brows at the tipsy guests who were again crowding round the window, and listening to their chatter.

The nurse recalled very vividly the picture of her patient when she had endeavoured to dissuade him from this second interview his white, rather drawn face and the eyes which blazed feverishly at her beneath their penthouse brows. "You've got to let me see my best girl to-day, nurse," he had said, forcing a smile. "After that you shall have your own way and work your wicked will on me."

Then do thy duty, as thou hopest for justice From Him who rules above, show it to us! GESSLER. Hence! drive this daring rabble from my sight! No, no, by Heaven, I've nothing more to lose. Thou stirrest not, viceroy, from this spot until Thou dost me fullest justice. Knit thy brows, And roll thy eyes; I fear not. Our distress Is so extreme, so boundless, that we care No longer for thine anger.

Meeting her you swore she was the personification of wandering Asia. There was no question of beauty and grace, for these have laws. The curve of her brows broke like a beaten wave; the lips and nostrils were wide, tragic in repose. But when she laughed she illuminated you; where she stepped she made the earth hers.