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"Boy !" he wrestled with a slight bronchial huskiness, cleared his throat, tried again, and gave it up, contenting himself with, "Beg your pardon for callin' you 'Boy. You're a seasoned old-timer, sah." And the Boy felt as if some Sovereign had dubbed him Knight. In a day or two now, from north or south, the first boat must appear. The willows were unfolding their silver leaves.

She pointed to the grate and to the thin line of steam, which was doing its powerless best against the arctic cold of the room. Hurd bent over the boy and tried to put him comfortable. The child, weak and feverish, only began to cry a hoarse bronchial crying, which threatened to wake the baby.

I wondered if the man Dimpdin would suggest the apportionment of flasks to soldiers, in his Evangelical report! He left me, when we regained the road, to ride with a lithe, bronchial person, in white neckcloth and coat cut close at the collar. They looked like the fox and the fiend, in the fable, and I seemed to hear the man Dimpdin's voice for three succeeding weeks.

From this cause alone there will be a reaction upon the vaginal walls, upon the neck of the uterus and the uterus itself; the ovaries also become disordered; the lungs sympathize as well as the throat and bronchial tubes, producing hoarseness, hacking cough and a host of troubles following in their train.

A man of large mould came to me, unknown, unbidden, from a distant city on the seventeenth day of his fast. His appetite had been abolished by a severe throat and bronchial attack, both of which had been relieved before reaching me. Well posted in the theory of fasting, he came with the declared intention of fasting until hunger or death would come.

In making close acquaintance with them, one cannot help longing to prescribe to the whole blackbird family something to clear their bronchial tubes; every tone is husky, and the student involuntarily clears his own throat as he listens. I was surprised to find the blackbirds so beautiful.

All sorts of stories are told about the dangerousness of breathing frosty air directly into the lungs. Invalids shut themselves scrupulously indoors for weeks and even months at a stretch, for fear of the terrible results of a "blast of raw air" striking into their bronchial tubes.

It looks to me very much as if we were in for bronchial pneumonia, and she's a delicate little thing at best." Sylvia was laughing when Mrs. Gray, bent on being both firm and tactful, reentered her room. "Tell Dr. Wells he must make his stage-whispers softer if he doesn't want me to overhear him," she said, "and don't think of ordering the funeral flowers just yet.

The Shattered Health of Mr. Podge "How are you, Podge?" I said, as I sat down in a leather armchair beside him. Last week I was feeling pretty good part of the time, but yesterday about four o'clock the air turned humid, and I don't feel so well." "Have a cigarette?" I said. "No, thanks; I find they affect the bronchial toobes." "Whose?" I asked. "Mine," he answered.

This lump had air-tubes running through it, which were not yet cut off by suppuration; and in one place, the cyst was perforated by a bronchial tube, letting in the external air to the lump, which was undergoing disorganization, and swelling badly. When cut into, it did not present the red, mottled, organized appearance of those cases with air-tight cysts.