United States or Venezuela ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There are several young and wealthy men who frequent this resort. I do not dare tell you their names, but one is a well-known club- man and man about town, another is a banker and broker, also well known, and a third is a lawyer.

More than once during the day he had seen bankers and brokers who were anxious about possible shrinkage in connection with various hypothecated securities, and to-night his valet had called him to the 'phone half a dozen times to talk with Addison, with Kaffrath, with a broker by the name of Prosser who had succeeded Laughlin in active control of his private speculations, and also, be it said, with several of the banks whose presidents were at this particular conference.

"My broker has very kindly realized the debentures I am ah somewhat indebted to him, and it was necessary to secure his permission and yes, I have the money at my bank." He gazed benignly at the other, as one who conferred a favour by the mere bestowal of his confidences.

We were weary with sorrow and fatigue, and my aunt and I were to return to London on the morrow. It was arranged that the Micawbers should follow us, after effecting a sale of their goods to a broker; that Mr. Wickfield's affairs should be brought to a settlement, with all convenient speed, under the direction of Traddles; and that Agnes should also come to London, pending those arrangements.

Ellwell, a sudden opening of the Ellwell family arms, and he was one of them not much to his relish. Ruby Ellwell brought out her engagement to Bradley, the young stock broker her father had chummed with. The Four Corners renewed its worldly life in a garden-party, at which both engagements were announced.

But the broker did not fall without a struggle, and his cries brought the people of the cabaret to his assistance. Lestang, the other assassin, who had been set to keep watch at a staircase, sprang from a window and escaped; but Mille and the Count d'Horn were seized in the very act. This crime, committed in open day, and in so public a place as a cabaret, filled Paris with consternation.

It had been in her heart a long time, but she had never dared to express it before, the feeling that other men, no abler than Rob, contrived to give their wives, no more seductive than she, so much more than she had had. "Other men find the means " She was thinking of John Lane, of Purrington, a lively young broker of their acquaintance, of Dr.

Master Chevassat was reputed to be well off; but the story went that he lent out money, and did not hesitate to charge a hundred per cent a month. He acted, besides, it was said, as agent for two of his tenants, the broker, and the dealer in second-hand goods, and undertook the executions, when poor debtors were unable to pay. Mrs. Chevassat, however, had even graver charges to bear.

In the scene following this he portrayed Sandro Botticelli, his master, and many other friends and people of importance; among others, the broker Raggio, a man of great intelligence and wit, who executed in relief on a conch the whole Inferno of Dante, with all the circles and divisions of the pits and the nethermost well in their exact proportions, and all the figures and details that were most ingeniously imagined and described by that great poet; which conch was held in those times to be a marvellous thing.

Sawley, but just now I must beg you to excuse me. I have a particular engagement this morning with my broker rather a heavy transaction to settle and so " "It's no use beating about the bush any longer," said Mr. Sawley, in an excited tone, at the same time dashing down his crape-covered castor on the floor. "Did you ever see a ruined man with a large family? Look at me, Mr.