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The late broker's affairs were in a muddled state, the books were anything but clear, some of the investments were foreign, and, at the very earliest, months must elapse before the executor and trustee could know, for certain, just how large a property he was in charge of. He found some solace and forgetfulness of the unpleasant life he was leading in helping the stricken Moriarty family.

Henry Reynolds and was a broker, with an office in New Street. "I see you are a broker, sir," said Grant. "Tom Calder wants to get a place in a broker's office." "I should prefer that he would try some other broker," said Mr. Reynolds, smiling. "I don't want a boy who deals with the bucket shops." At this point Tom re-entered the car, having finished his cigarette.

Pelter ignored Tom's father entirely. And yet the youth knew that his parent had fifty thousand dollars or more tied up in that very company! "I'd like to know some of the people who have invested in this stock," said Tom, after the matter had been talked over for nearly an hour. "I will give you some names," was the broker's reply, and he wrote them down.

Clifford Matheson, a clerk in a broker's office, planned his life in terms of cities and money. "To make big money that's what I call success." In the rapids of the stream by their feet was a swirl of waters covering a sunken rock, and Rivière had thrown on to it a chip of wood.

On reaching the Olivers', hot and breathless, I put three gold coins, two sovereigns and a half-sovereign, on to the table to pay off the broker's men. They had been settling themselves for the night, and looked surprised and I thought chagrined, but took up the money and went away.

Colonel Duxbury was writing letters at the Cupola when the broker's telegram was handed him, and he broke a rule which had held good for the better part of a cautious, self-contained lifetime: he went to the buffet and took a stiff drink of brandy alone. The following morning the miners and all the white men employed in the furnace and foundries and coke yards at Gordonia went on strike.

"I've never seen him before and I know most of the reporters in New York. None of the editors would send a new man to interview Sullivan. He's too tough a bird for a greenhorn to tackle. I guess he's a messenger from some broker's office. Maybe Potter sent him." "I wonder who this Potter is, and what all that talk meant?"

The mother, being well persuaded of my good natural temper, and of my good husbandry, and that I had no poor kindred come after me to be any charge or burthen to her daughter, ... proposed to me that she would give me a hundred pounds with her to set up.... So the maid and I were made sure by promise, and I was resolved to have the maid to wife, and to keep a broker's shop, and lend money on pawns, and grow rich as others did."

They had to put a good deposit down on the office furniture, and the rent was, of course, payable in advance. Then came the fee for joining the Broker's Exchange, and he had to borrow money for his personal expenses in the face of his diminished salary check from Ford, Wetherbee & Co. He realized, too, that the difficulties would scarcely decrease, even in the face of brisk business.

Evringham. "It's mine, mother, it's mine," cried the child, lifting her head to shout it, and then ducking back into the broker's silk shirt front. "What do you mean?" asked Mrs. Evringham, coming gingerly out upon the wharf, which was such an unsteady old affair that she had remained on terra firma. "Why, you see," responded Mr.