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Not a man was out, and the visitors, having already secured two tallies, had a runner moored at third. Berlin Barker stepped forth briskly, urging the umpire to keep the game in motion, his bat held as if he intended to try for a safe bingle. As matters stood, it seemed logical that he should do this, and the Wyndhamites got ready for him.

Tuckle proceeded to carve the leg of mutton, and to help the company. This important business of the evening had hardly commenced, when the door was thrown briskly open, and another gentleman in a light-blue suit, and leaden buttons, made his appearance. 'Against the rules, said Mr. Tuckle. 'Too late, too late. 'No, no; positively I couldn't help it, said the gentleman in blue.

About 7 in the morning, Custer's division encountered Rosser himself with three brigades, and while the stirring sounds of the resulting artillery duel were reverberating through the valley Merritt moved briskly to the front and fell upon Generals Lomax and Johnson on the Valley pike.

But the human mind is prone to prejudice; and though a personable man, speaking French like a born "Parley voo," and whipping off legs like an animated guillotine, I must confess to a sense of relief when he was ordered elsewhere; and suspect that several of the men would have faced a rebel battery with less trepidation than they did Dr. P., when he came briskly in on his morning round.

A sense of loyalty to his employers combined with devotion to the Queen decided him to tell Mr. Donovan all he knew. The work of unloading the Ida went on briskly all the morning. Mr. Donovan sat, remote from the turmoil, on his balcony. Mr. Phillips, seeking a moment when Smith was busy elsewhere, climbed to the balcony. Mr. Donovan welcomed him. "Sit right down," he said.

She stood biting her lips and smiling to herself in half-satiric, half-whimsical fashion. "It says little for my intelligence that I was unprepared. You are a man, not a courtier. I should have known that you would not waste an hour. I wish that I might go with you." "Madame, I wish it, too." She looked up more briskly. "But that would be impossible. Have you instructions for me, monsieur?"

Give us hold of the end of the tripod, honey, and we'll help you out." A few moments of strenuous scrambling and pulling and Na-che was on the plateau brushing the sand from her clothes. "Sit down and get your breath, Na-che," said Enoch. "I'm fine! I don't need to sit," answered Na-che. "Let's get along." She started on briskly.

Sitting down beside the chaise longue, she entered briskly upon a description of the recent experiences of Samuel. When she left the hospital the house surgeon was obediently endeavoring to look down the throat of Hullen R. J., and every nurse on Samuel's floor was scuttering in and out of his room.

One day a little Bernese wagon, drawn by two handsome white horses, came rattling along the road; a stout, upland farmer took up almost the entire seat, which was meant for two. He drew up by the roadside and asked: "Girlie, have you anything one can drink out of?" "Yes, certainly I'll get it for you." And she went off briskly to fetch her pitcher, which she filled with water.

Betty screamed, and Bab was about to go to the rescue when both perceived that the dog was licking the stranger's face in an ecstasy of joy, and heard the man say as he hugged the curly beast, "Good old Sanch! I knew he wouldn't forget master, and he doesn't." "What's the matter?" called Ben, coming up briskly, with a strong grip of his stout stick.