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For the briefest of periods, there was a look of keen disappointment on the faces of the Cloudy Mountain boys as they gazed upon the receding figures of their sworn enemies; but almost in as little time as it takes to tell it there was a tumultuous lining up at the bar, the flat surface of which soon resounded with the heavy blows dealt it by the fists of the men desirous of accentuating the rhythm when roaring out: "Gwine to run all night, Gwine to run all day, Bet my money on a bob-tail nag, Somebody bet on the bay!"

The sound was shocking; when, now and then there fell a briefest interval it was as though the world had stopped, had fallen into a gulf of silence. Edward Cary found beside him a man from another regiment, a small, slight fellow, young and simple. A shock of wheat gave both a moment's protection. "Hot work!" said Edward, with his fine camaraderie. "You made a beautiful charge.

To the marriage of Pauline Bonaparte only the briefest reference need here be made. Ultimately this brilliant, frivolous creature resided in the splendid mansion which now forms the British embassy in Paris. The case of Louis Bonaparte was somewhat different. For the present, however, the chief trouble was caused by Lucien, whose address had saved matters at the few critical minutes of Brumaire.

Perhaps he was having fresh audiences, and trying to evade his previous admissions. Who can hope to guess? And then suddenly, like a cry in the night, like a cry that is followed by a stillness, came the last message. It is the briefest fragment, the broken beginnings of two sentences. The first was: "I was mad to let the Grand Lunar know " There was an interval of perhaps a minute.

"Tomorrow Mary will go to the hospital. She will have the operation soon. In a few weeks, perhaps Mary will walk. "Will you like that, Mary? Will you like walking?" he asked, leaning toward the child. Again the eyes lifted for the briefest instant. Again they dropped shyly. "Yes," Mary said in that barely audible voice.

If Miss Meredith will guide you and Lord Chewton to where he lies, I'll see that Lord Cornwallis gets the letter." In the briefest possible time Brereton stood beside Mobray. Yet when the officer in charge of him untied the handkerchief and stepped back out of hearing, Jack's eyes did not seek his friend, but turned instead to the face of the girl standing beside him.

I write this sentence half for the pleasure of putting down that briefest of village names and seeing how it looks in print. But it may be elongated at will, and yet be only improved. If you wish to be very specific, you may call it Gy-les-Nonnains Gy of the Little Nuns.

The change that had come over him was remarkable. He could not keep his seat, and began to pace the end of the room. Seeing no possibility of prolonging the talk for her own purposes, Rhoda accepted this dismissal, and with the briefest leave-taking went her way to Mrs. Cosgrove's. She was deeply agitated.

She wished that the drive could be prolonged indefinitely, but there was only time for the briefest spin before the hour for the matinee. More than all, the programme brought back that bewitching moment when, keyed to the highest pitch of expectation by the entrancing music of the orchestra, the curtain went up, and the world of Peter Pan drew her into its magic spell.

Cross wrote to him, and received the briefest possible reply, to the effect that his plans were changed. "How vexatious!" exclaimed Mrs. Cross. "I had very much rather have let to people we know I suppose he's seen a house that suits him better." "I think there's another reason," said Bertha, after gazing for a minute or two at the scribbled, careless note. "The marriage is put off."