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Bimeby dey 'gun ter git kinder familious wid wunner nudder like dey useter, en it got so Brer Fox'd call on Brer Rabbit, en dey'd set up en smoke der pipes, dey would, like no ha'sh feelin's 'd ever rested 'twixt um.

Esop was pointing out the Hare asleep by the wayside while the Tortoise was coming gayly down the home stretch, and he was about to exhibit the Moral when Uncle Remus broke out with a hearty laugh. "You don't fool dis chile, does you, honey? Brer Rabbit he sometime play 'possum, but he sleep wid one eye open; he not let hisself be beat by a triflin' mud turtle.

"'Tain't nuthin' but a box er money somebody done gone en lef' up yer in de chink er de chimbly, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'Don't b'leeve you, sez Brer Fox, sezee. "'Look up en see, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, en w'en Brer Fox look up, Brer Rabbit spit his eyes full er terbacker joose, he did, en Brer Fox, he make a break fer de branch, en Brer Rabbit he come down en tole de ladies good-by.

Brer Rabbit he rap on de roof er Brer Tarrypin's house, he did, en ax wuz he in, en Brer Tarrypin 'low dat he wuz, en den Brer Rabbit, he ax 'im howdy, en den Brer Tarrypin he likewise 'spon' howdy, en den Brer Rabbit he say whar wuz Brer Tarrypin gwine, en Brer Tarrypin, he say w'ich he wern't gwine nowhar skasely.

I had as big a fee there only two days ago as ever I received when I was practising in London." The company looked up in astonishment, but like Brer Rabbit, I lay low to see if they cared for an explanation. I thought I saw a twinkle in my critic's eye as it caught mine. "Go ahead," was all that he said, however. Deep-Water "Crik," we call it. About half a dozen fishermen's families live there.

His eyes twinkled. "Ah cert'nly can't allow li'l' Brer Rabbit to be hurt, Ah cert'nly can't!" muttered Ol' Mistah Buzzard, and chuckled. Then he slanted his broad wings downward and without a sound slid down out of the sky till he was right behind Granny Fox. "Do yo' always crawl home, Granny Fox?" asked Ol' Mistah Buzzard.

"What did he say, Uncle Remus?" "Dat w'at he said I-doom-er-ker-kum-mer-ker! Brer Tarrypin wuz at de bottom er de pon', en he talk back, he did, in bubbles I- doom-er-ker-kum-mer-ker! Brer Fox, he ain't sayin' nuthin', but Brer Bull-Frog, settin' on de bank, he hear Brer Tarrypin, he did, en he holler back: "Jug-er-rum-kum-dum! Jug-er-rum-kum-dum! "Den Brer Frog holler out: 'Knee-deep!

"De creetur des walk roun' en roun' de tree, en ain't make no answer. Den Brer Wolf hail 'im ag'in, en talk like he mighty mad: "'Ain't you gwine ter min' me, you imperdent scoundul? Ain't you gwine ter mozey outer my woods en let my tree 'lone?

"'He des gone by, sez Brer Rabbit, en ole man B'ar tuck off down de road like a skeer'd mule, en Brer Rabbit, he come out en dry hisse'f in de sun, en go home ter his fambly same ez enny udder man. "The Bear didn't catch the Rabbit, then?" inquired the little boy, sleepily. "Jump up fum dar, honey!" exclaimed Uncle Remus, by way of reply.

"Now yo' know that way down in Ol' Virginny where Ah done come from, mah fam'ly done got the habit of sitting on the tops of chimneys in the wintertime to warm their toes." "Why, I thought it was warm down south!" interrupted Peter Rabbit. "So it is, Brer Rabbit! So it is!" Ol' Mistah Buzzard hastened to say.