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"I just thought I'd tell you," he said and John thought or was it his imagination? that Gibson's set smile flattened a little at the corners. Under Brennan's patient tutelage John progressed rapidly, learning thoroughly the rudiments of newspaper reporting in its two branches, news gathering and writing.

But the men appear to be straggling somewhat, Lieutenant; perhaps it would be as well to brace them up a bit." I rode slowly forward to my own position at the head of the troop, wondering at the strange coincidence which had placed Edith Brennan's name upon Colgate's lips.

"Tell me," she said, "what do people think of Mr. Gibson as a commissioner?" He thought of Brennan's skepticism and the frankly expressed doubt of other newspaper men of Gibson's motives. "Generally he has the support of the city," he answered. "There are some, however, who impute a selfish desire for political power to his work." "How ridiculous!" she exclaimed, laughing.

An oarsman was saying: "Be careful, there! We can't take him in without swamping." But Brennan's voice shouted: "Make room or I'll bash in your bloody skull." Another protest arose, and O'Neil saw that the craft was indeed loaded to the gunwales. "Take the girl quick," he implored. "I'll hang on. You can tow me."

Above the confusion came Brennan's voice, through a megaphone, commanding them to stand back. Some one traitorously cast off the loop of the bow line, the ship's propellers began to thrash, and the big steel hull backed away inch by inch, foot by foot, until, amid curses and cries of rage, she described a majestic circle and plowed off up the sound toward Hope.

He did not hear Paul Brennan's suggestion that Jimmy go home with him, to Paul Brennan's personal physician, nor did Jimmy hear the ambulance attendants turn away Brennan's suggestion with hard-headed medical opinion. Brennan could hardly argue with the fact that an accident victim would be better off in a hospital under close observation.

"Yiss ma'an, from sure gold nut " "But his hand. Are you sure about his hand?" "I seen it," said Nathan. "I seen how comes blood on the sidewalk. I seen how comes a great big all of people. I seen how comes Morris's mamma und hollers like a fair theayter. I seen how comes Patrick Brennan's papa he's a cop und he makes come the amb'lance.

The mayor swung the automobile into the first street intersecting Spring street, toward Main, stopping it at Brennan's instructions so that it could be driven into the alley without difficulty. Brennan, Smith, Murphy and John left the machine and hurried into the alley. Murphy carried a brace and bit hidden under his coat.

With daylight clarity he knew what he had to do. In a single act of destruction he could simultaneously foil Paul Brennan's plan and ensure his own life. Permanently installed in Jimmy Holden's brain by the machine itself were the full details of how to recreate it. Indelibly he knew each wire and link, lever and coil, section by section and piece by piece.

None of us could work for thinking of it even Dad seemed to forget his troubles about the corn and Mick Brennan's threat to summon him for half the fence. Mother said we would want plenty of water for the people to drink, so Sandy yoked his horse to the slide, and he, Dad, and Joe started for the springs. The slide was the fork of a tree, alias a wheel-less water-trolly.