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But I didna ken the same Christian practice was part o' the Breetish constitution. Aweel, aweel atween Riot Acts, Government by Commissions, and ither little extravagants and codicils o' Mammon's making, it's no that easy to ken, the day, what is the Breetish constitution, and what isn't. Tak a drappie, Billy Porter, lad?" "Never again so long as I live.

"De British fleet am in sight!" shrieked Rais Ali. "Ye don't mean that?" cried Ted, in his turn becoming excited. "Then it's time that I was out o' the city!" "Yis, away! go to yous cave! Only death for Breetish in Algiers off! away!"

Fortunately for Jarwin, who was by nature free-and-easy, the savage chief imagined these to be terms of respect, and was, consequently, rather pleased to hear them. Similarly, Big Chief said "Breetish tar" and "Christian" in English, as he had learned them from his captive.

It was fishin' boat in Breetish pay. Dey find out who I be. Give leave to go shore again, and warn Breetish consul to look out, for Turk ver' savage when him hear of dis. Lord Exmouth, wid large fleet come straight to Algiers, for delivrin' all slaves, an' blow up de city." "Hurrah!" shouted Flaggan, in a subdued voice, while he unpocketed the cudgel and twirled it over his head.