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Without a moment's hesitation she drew off her rudely fashioned dress and stood before Helen with the utmost simplicity her beautiful arms and throat bare and her hair falling about them with the rich gold of a cloud at an autumn sunset. Dressed, she could hardly breathe, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, she trembled. Magic transformation!

We were all crowded, hot, and uncomfortable, and showed our worst side, but as we neared England better influences got the ascendant again. It was pleasant to breathe a cooler air, and to feel that I was getting back to my own country and my own people; but with this feeling there was mixed some regret for the beautiful scenes I had left.

The birds flew to perch on the window-sill and sing in the early mornings; flowers bloomed in the cracks of the old stonework; the sempstress sang as she worked, and whenever she left her sewing to carry the child out into the Market Place to breathe the fresh air she would find her work finished when she returned.

He sat down, with his head buried in his hands, and, when he rose up, made the second strong resolution of his life, that neither to the French officer, nor to the mother of his departed friend, nor to any soul, while either of the two was living, would he breathe what only he knew.

Thoughts that breathe and words that burn did not drop from his lips as from Danton's. His carefully prepared speeches, even in the apogee of his popularity, were often interrupted by the cry "Cut it short" or "Keep to the point." The exponent of Rousseau was ofttimes "long preaching," like St. Paul.

When you run fast, or wrestle, or work hard, your muscle-cells work faster, and make more waste, and you breathe faster to get in the oxygen to burn this up in other words, you fan the body fires, and in consequence you get a great deal hotter, and perhaps perspire in order to get rid of your surplus heat. The Ocean of Air.

His right arm retained her hand; he wound the other round her waist, as he fell upon his knee. 'O beautiful! O more than beautiful! for thou to me art like a dream unbroken, exclaimed the young leader of Israel, 'let me, let me breathe my adoration.

"But, Miriam, are you really my aunt?" "Yes; that much is true." "And your name is Dane?" "It is." "And my mother was your sister, and I bear my mother's name?" The dark, weather-beaten face of the haggard woman lighted up with a fiery glow, and into either eye leaped a devil. "Mollie Dane, if you ever want me to speak to you again, never breathe the name of your mother.

He came into the room looked pale poor calf! and went, with a nervous halt in his walk sick fool! to his Laetitia; and looked across at Rosalie and made a half-step to her; and she thought with all her force, to send it to him, her last words to him: that most malevolent, "to see you raise your eyes and hear you breathe, 'Ah, Laetitia'"; and surely sent it, for on that half-step towards her he stopped, hesitated, and turned and engaged Laetitia again.

Christians, enjoying perfect liberty of conscience, yet possessing no right to breathe one whisper against a system of adultery and blood, which is filling the whole land with abomination and blasphemy!