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"Home again, mother, and hungry for my supper." "Supper, indeed! Breakin' my heart with your run-about ways! and the hoorican', with ever'thin' ruined, ever'thin'! The master Where's he, I know not. The great pine broken like a match; the coops, the cow-house, and Snowfoot Ah, me! Yet the little one talks of supper!" Margot looked about her in astonishment, scarcely noticing the other's words.

Perhaps you'll explain how there's no harm breakin' into unoccupied 'ouses?" "Gorblimy, 'ow was I to know? 'Ere's a toff 'ands me sixpence fer hopenin' 'is cab door to-dye, an', sezee, 'My man, 'e sez, 'yer've got a 'onest fyce. W'y don'cher work? sezee.

Kitty neither moved nor spoke. The announcement did not greatly surprise her. What absorbed her was the new, hard lines in his face, her wonder being that such suffering should have fallen upon the head of a man who so little deserved it. "And is that what has been breakin' yer heart all these months ye lived with us?" Felix moved uneasily. "Yes. There has been nothing else."

“I see myself breakin' my neck for thirteen dollars a week,” Bella chipped in. “You said it!” from all the others. So I kicked over 16,000 times that day and let it go as my final swan song. No more breaking records for me. My head thumped, thumped, thumped all that night.

'His estate was not a large one as such things go some twelve hundred dollahs, I believe. "'That's better'n breakin' a leg, I says. "'You will, perhaps, be interested to learn, he says, 'that Ah have pu'chased the hawss Trampfast with a po'tion of the money. Hyah is a lettah foh you from Mr.

And when I were breakin' my leg and couldn't work He sends along Indian Jake to go to the trails to hunt with David and Andy, and they makes a fine hunt and keeps us out o' debt.

"Me an' him fell out over a hoss I stole from him over in Huntsville. We had a shootin'-scrape then. Wal, as I was straddlin' my hoss back there in Mercer I seen this Brown, an' seen him before he seen me. Could have killed him, too. But I wasn't breakin' my word to you. I kind of hoped he wouldn't spot me. But he did an' fust shot he got me here. What do you think of this hole?"

Now, I tell you, a man that looks the way I saw him look when I come over the gunwale, face up, don't go 'round breakin' in and hookin' things. He hadn't one chance in five, and he was a married man, too, with small children. And what's more," he added, incautiously, "he didn't stop there.

"I've come for my map," he said. "Who's been divorced?" "No one, Uncle," replied Francie with perfect truth. Timothy took his map off the piano. "Don't let's have anything of that sort in the family," he said. "All this enlistin's bad enough. The country's breakin' up; I don't know what we're comin' to."

"Now, ain' that jus' like a girl!" ejaculated Bud, gulping the last of his coffee. Bob sat down and fanned himself with his hat. "Hot, ain' hit?" observed Pink, dryly. Then he turned to Melissa. "You-all's fo'gittin' that he might be in prison at this minute. No woman o' his class would marry him now. No woman likes to think her man's guilty o' breakin' the law, eh?