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When we got to the railway bridge he laid his hammers on the wall while he relit his pipe. I saw my last opportunity and seized it. "Say, Willie, did ye iver haave a feelin' that made ye feel fine all over and and made ye pray?" "I niver pray," he said. They're naggin at God from Aysther t' Christmas t' fill their pockets! A good day's stone breakin's my prayer.

My own hired men, 'fore I moved in, had to pay for their breakin's, and sence I've turned myself into a hired man, well, it's a poor rule that don't work both ways, as the poet says, an' what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, or visy versy. There'll be no foolin' done on these premises whilst I'm in charge, an' the very first thing I'll tackle is cleanin' up."

The solemnity with which Winnie and Bobsey promised to obey orders gave some hope of performance; so I tossed them into the straw, and we drove away, a merry party, leaving Mousie consoled with the hope of receiving something from the vendue. "There's allers changes and breakin's up in the spring," said Mr. Jones, as we drove along; "and this family's goin' out West.

As he reasoned with himself: "A barn's the least likely place for robbers to search for hid treasure, whether it is a gold box or a gold mine. Eunice, she is long-headed. She wouldn't want things in the house that might induce folks' breakin's in, more particular sence Widow Sprigg seen that tramp.