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I don't care a button for the biggest of you." No one accepted this challenge, for Bob was the oldest and the strongest boy in the school, although, as is usually the case with bullies, by no means the bravest.

Before daylight General Gourgaud set out at the head of a detachment selected from the bravest soldiers of the army, and following a cross road which turned to the left through the marshes, fell unexpectedly on the enemy, slew many of them in the darkness, and drew the attention and efforts of the allied generals upon himself, while Marshal Ney, still at the head of the advance guard, profited by this bold maneuver to force a passage of the causeway.

"I have something else for you, Kara, something I want you to prize, not because of its great value but because it means a great deal to me. "It was given me by the bravest person I have known. I will not tell you about him now. Perhaps I will some day. If ever life seems to be too difficult for you, my dear, you must tell me and then perhaps my story may help you find new courage.

I too ran down-stairs unchecked, and saw him helped, tottering, into his chair, a company of the Foot-guards surrounding it; for he was much misliked by the mobile at that time, and few cried, God bless him! "He is a Whig now," said my Grandmother to me, when I rejoined her; "but he was of the bravest among men, and in the old days loved the true King dearly."

"My son, these presents, though so rich and rare, Will be thy winding-sheet; beware, beware! They'll drive to madness thy poor giddy brain, And thou wilt never be restored again. Never; for wert thou bravest of the brave, They only lead to an untimely grave. Then give them back, nor such a doom provoke, Beware of Rustem's host-destroying stroke.

We have not mentioned the suit of armour, which was the most expensive item of all; being made at this period lighter and more elaborate, with its flexible over-lying plates of thin, tempered steel, it was far more costly than it had ever been before. The bravest knights at the Court were proud to try their fortune against Messire Claude.

"Never think it! I can win don't you know I can?" "Win?" Drake dropped down beside her, drew her toward him. "Bravest girl I've known of course you'll win. And remember this nine-tenths of what you're thinking now is purely over-wrought nerves and weariness. You'll win and we'll win, never doubt it." "I don't," she said. "I know it oh, it will be hard but I will I will "

Such was the famous Jean Cavalier when the Royalists first learned of his existence, through the repulse of their bravest troops and the death of their most intrepid captain. The news of this victory soon spread through the Cevennes, and fresh conflagrations lit up the mountains in sign of joy.

When we got to the top, we, as skirmishers, were ordered to deploy still further to the left. Billy Carr and J. E. Jones, two as brave soldiers as ever breathed the breath of life in fact, it was given up that they were the bravest and most daring men in the Army of Tennessee and myself, were on the very extreme left wing of our army.

The harsh and obscure appellations of those tribes would offend the ear, without informing the understanding, of the reader; but I cannot suppress the very natural suspicion, that the Huns of the North derived a considerable reenforcement from the ruin of the dynasty of the South, which, in the course of the third century, submitted to the dominion of China; that the bravest warriors marched away in search of their free and adventurous countrymen; and that, as they had been divided by prosperity, they were easily reunited by the common hardships of their adverse fortune.