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"Yes," said Otto, looking back as he followed his brother, "we'll look well to the heating process and let you know when they're white hot, so have your revolvers ready, my braves!" "Och! shut your tatie-trap," cried Malone, but Otto, having shut the door, lost the advice. The night was neither decidedly light nor dark.

By some mysterious system of telegraphy known only to themselves old Crowfoot and his braves heard them almost as soon as the Superintendent at Fort Macleod. Instantly every teepee was pulsing with the fever of war.

This had the desired effect. The Commissioners at once undertook, not only to issue a pacific proclamation couched in becoming terms, but also to memorialise the Emperor for the recall of the Governor- General, and the withdrawal of all powers from the Committee of Braves.

"If the men of Poloe come as friends, let them land. The men of Flatland are about to feed, and will share their supper. If the men of Poloe come as foes, still I say let them land. The braves of Flatland have sharpened their spears!" Teyma threw up both hands as he finished, and all his host followed suit. For a moment or two the Poloese hesitated. They still feared deception.

Edward Rose had been his name, when young; but now he was a wrinkled, stout old man, called Cut-nose, and looked like a crinkly-headed Indian. "The Crows are losing too many warriors. They have no stomach for that kind of work," answered the old squaw-man. The Crow chiefs and braves were seated in a circle, near the cedars, and listening to the speakers who stood up, one after another.

Young braves dragged from the French lodge the goods and forge saved from Fort Crèvecoeur, and ran yelling to heave everything into the river. "The Iroquois are your friends! The Iroquois are at peace with the French! But they are marching here to eat us up!" "We know nothing about the Iroquois!" shouted Tonty. "If they are coming we will go out with you to fight them!"

The Dahcotahs having nothing else to do, were amusing themselves by recalling all the Chippeways had ever done to injure them; and those who were too lazy to go out on a war party, happily recollected that there was Chippeway blood near them no farther off than their chief's wigwam; and eight or ten braves vowed they would make an end of "Old Bets."

They acted like men, but were forced to give way when I rushed upon them with my braves. In a short time the chief returned with a lager party. He seemed determined to fight, and anxious for a battle. When he came near enough I raised the yell and firing commenced from both sides.

Other braves followed, several of them having the same gory trophies. On getting up close to the camp, they halted to receive the congratulations of their friends. The old men and women then began to inquire for the relatives who were no longer among them. The same answer was given to all, "He fell fighting bravely."

Without appearing to notice me, the braves walked over to the glowing wood stove and began to warm themselves. I wanted to show that I trusted them, and brought two chairs and asked them to be seated. As I spoke they both turned their wicked, black eyes on me, but did not deign to speak.