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"I am happy, madam," said Mr Brandon, in his most courteous manner, "that that day is past." "My staying won't do you any good," said the old lady, whose purple sun-bonnet seemed to heave with the uprisal of her hair, "except, perhaps, to get you a better meal than the servants would have given you.

His last cent, his last rod of land, has been taken from him. You left him living like a prince in his forefathers' palace: you will find him vegetating in the fourth story of a lodging-house. You know, that, being poor, he is deemed guilty. The day is drawing near when Sarah Brandon will get rid of him, as she has gotten rid of Kergrist, of Malgat the poor cashier, and others.

I then, toward the end of the month, sent my clerk to Brandon village to make inquiries. He brought word of the death of Brandon, and the departure of his family to parts unknown." "Did he make no particular inquiries?" "No." "And you said not a word to me!" "I was afraid of agitating you, my dear." "And therefore you have secured for me unending self-reproach." "Why so?

Jennings had assigned him for her own satisfaction, were now actually excited by her sister; and that however a general resemblance of disposition between the parties might forward the affection of Mr. Willoughby, an equally striking opposition of character was no hindrance to the regard of Colonel Brandon.

In about an hour and a half he reached the rock. It was between five hundred and six hundred feet in length, and about fifty in height. There was no resemblance to a coffin now as Brandon approached it, for that likeness was only discernible at a distance. Its sides were steep and precipitous. It was one black solid mass, without any outlying crags, or any fragments near it.

The health, mental and bodily, of Miss Brandon rapidly improved under the kind and judicious treatment of Mr. and Mrs. Derwent; and long before the attainment of her majority, were pronounced by competent authority to be thoroughly re-established. The day following that which completed her twentyfirst year, Mr.

"To be sure, my aunt left the house the last time he came, but she has his address, and has written for him. I think she wants us to get acquainted as soon as possible, so that no time will be lost in marrying us after poor Mr Null is disposed of." "Very good, very good," said Mr Brandon with a laugh. "And now, my dear young friend, I want to give you a piece of advice.

So beautiful did Lucy seem, as she was thus engaged in her girlish and caressing employment, and so utterly unlike one meet to be the instrument of ambitious designs, and the sacrifice of worldly calculations, that Brandon paused, suddenly smitten at heart, as he beheld her. He was not, however, slow in recovering himself; he approached.

"Shall I go and post the letter now, sir?" "No; it is too late. Here, Samuel, come into my room." Mr Brandon walked into his room, while Sam got down slowly from his stool, leaning over toward his cousin the while. "I'll serve you out for this," he whispered, and then crossed to his father's room.

I told you I suspected that long friend of his of having made my acquaintance somewhat unpleasantly, and I therefore doubted of Clifford himself. Well, my dear friend, this Clifford is whom do you think? no other than Mr. Lovett of Newgate celebrity!" "You do not say so!" rejoined Brandon, apathetically, as he slowly gathered his papers together and deposited them in a drawer.