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A storekeeper gave her enough enameled oilcloth to cover neatly the long table. Hopewell Drugg furnished bracket lamps, and gave her the benefit of the wholesale discount on a hanging lamp and reflector to light the reading-table. Walky Dexter did what carting was needed.

It opened before us, walls and chimney-piece bare, rugs gone from the floor, even curtains taken from the windows. To emphasize the change, in the center stood a common pine table, surrounded by seven plain chairs. All the lights were out save one, a corner bracket, which was screened with a red-paper shade. She watched our faces with keen satisfaction. "Such a time I had doing it!" she said.

Back in the wood the infantry colonel, from a vantage-point half-way up a tall tree, watched the ensuing duel with the keenest excitement. The battery's first two ranging shots dropped in a neat bracket, one over and one short; in the next two the bracket closed, the shorter shot being almost on top of the target.

I think I cared for her in a way, yet she never entered into my day-dreams, which means that she existed for me only in the outer world of shadows that lay round about me and was not of my real life. Also, I think she was unwise, introducing me to the shop, for children and dogs one seems unconsciously to bracket them in one's thoughts are snobbish little wretches.

Standing a few moments near the parlor register, while Prue ran to put on her wraps, Marjorie's eye would wander to the Holland plate on the bracket. She walked home under a depression that was not all caused by the dread of meeting Miss Prudence. They found Miss Prudence on the stairs, coming down with a tray of dishes. "O, Aunt Prue! Aunt Prue!" was Prue's exclamation.

The position of these relatively to the direction in which the dial will face must be carefully thought out before setting the position in the ground. In any case the help of a compass will be needed to decide which is the north. Having set in the post and rammed the earth tightly round it, loosen the bracket supporting the vane rod so that the vane bevel clears the dial bevel.

"Mamma always used my full name, and I have never had anyone else to give me a pet name, unless it was 'Tatters' at school." "We might bracket Tatters with Chow, and dismiss both," he said lightly. "And I like the sound of Hermione so well that it is pat on my lips already. . . . Now, you, Marcelle remember that her ladyship has become Lady Hermione Curtis." "Oh, not Mrs. Curtis?" "No.

I hastened after Mother Borton, who was glowering at me from the doorway, and followed her footsteps in silence to the floor above. There was a dim light and a foul smell in the upper hall, both of which came from a lamp that burned with a low flame on a bracket by the forward stair.

The design suggests the copying of a metal original in the treatment of the foliage scrolls and the heads of the monsters, and contrasts with the pulpit at Spalato, in which a wood treatment of the capitals is suggested. The column for the book-rest stands on a little lion bracket; of the eagle which once surmounted it only the claws remain.

Otherwise I'd be fussing with it and letting commonplace things such as this go." McPhearson rose and shuffled away, only to return a few moments later carrying the bracket clock by its brass handle. "So you never saw an old fellow like this, eh?" inquired he with evident satisfaction. "No. I certainly never saw a clock with a brass handle on top to carry it by," confessed Christopher.