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The sun was far down the western horizon of the Confederacy, but to the men who rode with Forrest it had not yet set. "Th' kid wants to go...." That was the worst of it. When they listened to Boyd's eager talk, saw him make the effort to get on his feet again, they were almost convinced that the youngster could make the trip back through enemy-held territory to Oak Hill.

She noticed that while Emerson maintained a flow of conversation his eyes were constantly upon the fellow's back, and that he kept a position close to his shoulder, regardless of jostling from the others. She could not tell what this foreboded, nor did she gain a hint of Boyd's purpose, until the gang-plank was in place and they were out upon it.

But his sentence was cut short, or rather it ended in a shriek of pain and fright, as the cook, suddenly swinging himself from his shoulders, landed a terrifically propelled right foot in the pirate's middle. He was pinned down again the next moment, but Boyd's yell had penetrated to the cabin. "What is the matter who is hurt?" cried Pauline, rushing to the group on deck.

Boyd's eyes held some of the old blaze as he turned the hat around in his hands. "And what I told you is the truth. The surgeon said it won't hurt me any to ride with the boys when you pull out. General Buford's ordered to Selma and Dr. Cowan's sister lives there. He has a letter from her sayin' I can rest up at her house if I need to. But I won't!

Boyd is never dull, and there is plenty of acute observation throughout her pleasant story of travel. My Boyd's illustrations which appear on practically every page, are, it need scarcely be said, up to the high level that is already familiar to students of his black-and-white work." LADIES' FIELD. "A singularly delightful and unaffected book of travel."

Well, I ain't mad at Mother, but I ain't goin' to sit at home with General Morgan comin'! He needs men. They've been recruitin' for him on the quiet; you know they have. And I've got to make up for Sheldon " Drew swung around and caught Boyd's wrist in a grip tight enough to bring a reflex backward jerk from the boy. "That's no way to make up for Sheldon's death-runnin' away from home to fight.

"I know she is a disturbing element at Kalviks and has caused us a great deal of trouble." It was Boyd's turn to laugh. "But surely that has nothing to do with her character." "My dear fellow" Marsh shrugged his shoulders apologetically "if I had dreamed she was a friend of yours, I never would have spoken."

'How did you get to know her? she asked, more quietly. 'I met her brother by chance in New York. 'By chance! 'Quite by chance. A man I knew in England lent me his rooms in New York. He happened to be a friend of Boyd's. Boyd came to call on him one night, and found me. 'Odd! Had your mutual friend been away from New York long? 'Some months.

"But I do know one thing you're not goin' with me." "Drew-Drew, just listen once...." Shawnee answered to the pressure of his rider's knees and leaped the brook. Drew bowed his head to escape the lash of a low branch. There was no going back ever, he thought bitterly, shutting his ears to Boyd's cry. He'd been a fool to ride this way at all. Guns in the Night

Drew's fingers touched a burning-hot cheek. "Got ... me ... sniffles." Boyd's mumble ended in another bout of those sharp coughs. "'Member sniffles? Hot soup an' bricks in bed, an' onion cloth for the throat...." He repeated all the Oak Hill remedies for a severe cold.