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They built the pis-kun, and when it was finished the boy said to his sister, "The buffalo are to come to us, and you are not to see them. When the time comes you are to cover your head and to hold your face close to the ground; and do not lift your head nor look, until I throw a piece of kidney to you." The girl said, "It shall be as you say."

"And that Rooter boy," Noble said sadly. "I think maybe your little niece Florence has something to do with it, too." "'Something' to do with it? She usually has all to do with anything she gets hold of! But what's it got to do with me?" "You'll see!" he prophesied accurately.

"I know it, you nice, fine woman, you; and it's a darn shame!" "Mr. Haas!" "I mean it. I hate to see a fine woman not get her dues. Anyways, when she's the finest woman of them all!" "I the woman that lives to see a day like this her daughter the happiest girl in the world, with the finest boy in the world is getting her dues, all right, Mr. Haas."

The clerk called a boy in from the street and gave him instructions in a low voice. He went at once on his errand, and in ten minutes a stout broad shouldered man made his appearance. "This gentleman sent for you, Mr. Barlow," said the clerk. "What can I do for you?" asked the constable. "Help me to recover stolen property."

I cannot understand how any man can be indifferent to the blessings of the church, when he remembers that one of them is the Sunday School invented by the Fathers as an ingenious and effective place of torment for this Boy. Through the week he is intolerable, but the blessed Sabbath is to him a day of retribution.

Leeman was a boy from Saco, Maine, the youngest man among the disciples. He smoked and drank occasionally and chafed under restraint. In spite of the women's keen watch these two fellows more than once broke the rules by slipping into Harper's Ferry in broad daylight and spending the time at Cook's house. They loved to watch the slender, joyous, little wife at her work.

At first I was as disinclined to favour the project as you are; but I am now convinced it is my duty, and, I must add, that my inclination runs in the same direction." "Look here, Clarence, my boy," here interrupted uncle John; "you can't expect to live there as you do here; the prejudice against persons of colour is much stronger in some of the Northern cities than it is amongst us Southerners.

So, listen: when I say 'Tuk, you must hide yourselves immediately; don't try to run away, but just get under a rock, or even a leaf, or just flatten yourselves upon the ground, if you can't do better; you are so nearly the color of the ground that a boy will never see you, and you can even escape a hawk's keen eye."

The old man says, like Elphinstone an' Bruce in the Portsmouth election when I was a boy: 'Gentlemen, he says, 'for gentlemen you have shown yourselves to be from the bottom of my heart I thank you. The status an' position of our late lamented shipmate made it obligate, 'e says, 'to take certain steps not strictly included in the regulations. An' nobly, says 'e, 'have you assisted me.

And then there was the handsome loud-voiced maid of my dormitory, Underwood by name, who was always just and kind, and who, even when she rated us, as she did at times, had always something human beckoning from her handsome eye. I can see her now, with her sleeves tucked up, and her big white muscular arms, washing a refractory little boy who fought shy of soap and water.