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The Princess Miliheria was very angry at Bova's answer; she went instantly to her father and said: "My lord and father, I confess to you my wrong in having interceded for the life of this unbelieving prisoner, in the hope of converting him to our faith, and making him a good subject of your Majesty.

Lukoper struck at Bova's heart with his lance, but Bova parried the thrust with his shield, and the lance was shivered in pieces. Then Bova struck Lukoper on the head with his sword, and cleft his body in twain to the very saddle; after which he fell upon Lukoper's army, and many as he slew with his battle-axe, as many again were trodden down under his horse's hoofs.

Polkan now looked down into the courtyard and perceived that it was filled with Marcobrun's soldiers; so, without more ado, he took Bova's battle sword and slew ten thousand men, drove all the rest out of the city, closed the gates, and barred them fast, after which he returned into the castle, awakened Bova Korolevich, and told him all that had happened.

When the Seneschal heard this, his anger was turned into favour, and he said to Bova: "Hark ye, old man; from this hour on never more beg alms in Bova's name, for we are commanded to slay anyone who speaks a word in his praise in this country; you are, however, pardoned for your ignorance.

One of the cooks, hearing this, seized a brand from the hearth, beat Bova on the head, exclaiming: "Be off, you worthless fellow! don't come begging here in Bova's name: it is forbidden in this country to utter his name under pain of death." Bova did not feel the blow, but seized a brand, belaboured the cook, and said: "What mean you, scoundrel, to beat your betters?

And when the Princess saw this she jumped from her seat for joy, threw her arms round Bova's neck, and said: "My dear friend, Bova Korolevich, for your sake I have refused these three years to obey my father and listen to the suit of King Marcobrun; but not hearing any tidings of you for so long a time I thought you were dead, and was compelled, against my will, to come with Marcobrun to his kingdom.

Saltan Saltanovich, on hearing this, called to him thirty bold knights, and sent them to Bova's prison; but when they came thither they could not remove the sand from the door as the Tsar's daughter, in her anger, had heaped up too much; and they thought of taking off the roof and dragging Bova out. Then Bova Korolevich was sad at heart, and said, weeping: "Alas, I am the most unfortunate of men!