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Hastings knew that the boss was deliberately "rubbing it in" because Hastings that is, Hastings' agents had not invited Kelly to assist in the project for "teaching the labor element a much needed lesson."

In reality, however, it was absolutely directed by a leader or "boss," who, with his confederates, made a regular traffic of selling legislation to the capitalists, on the one hand, and who, on the other, enriched themselves by a colossal system of blackmail.

The next thing was a job. I knew a boss mason who was putting up a building in Catherine Street. We saw the boss and he took Jim on. He went to work and made good. He would always come and see me at night, and always testify to God's keeping power. He would ask me, "Do you think I can get back to my wife and children again?" "Yes," I would answer; "wait a little while. Have you written to her?"

He was a man of medium height whose nationality and rank were equally unmistakable, and his air of distinction attracted no little attention upon his entrance. Dirke, however, did not see him. There was a throng of men about the wheel, and the "boss" was regarding their movements with the perfunctory attention which his duties required, when a hand, whiter than the others, was thrust forward.

"Perhaps," he returned; "there is no law, moral or otherwise, to prevent a man from looking a little ahead." After breakfast Hollis gave orders to have Greasy prepared for travel, and an hour later he and the range boss, both armed with rifles, rode out of the corral yard with Greasy riding between them and took the Dry Bottom trail.

"Right you are! How did he take that?" "He went up like a sky-rocket. Said he had a right to know, under the circumstances. I admitted it, but said I could tell him nothing yet. He went away frantic, and I called you." "Um-hm. Well, Mr. Sylvester, suppose you do see him and his boss. See 'em and tell 'em some of the truth.

What is your name, and what do you do on this ranch? "'Captain, says I, 'Percival Saint Clair is my occupation, and my name is sheep-herder. I've got my flock of veals no, muttons penned here to-night. The shearers are coming to-morrow to give them a haircut with baa-a-rum, I suppose. "'Where's the boss of this ranch? the captain of the gang asks me.

"If I was sure that I would not be putting you to any trouble, or interfering in any way with your domestic economy " "No trouble at all," interrupted the boss. "The boys will be only too glad, and there's an empty whare where you can sleep. Better stay. It's going to be a rough night."

He grew indignant, and, in true Southern style, he went immediately to town and bought arms, and prepared himself for the fray. When he returned he had every hand on the plantation stop regular work, and put them all to building the fence. I was of the number. Boss and the overseer came out to overlook the work and hurry it on.

Boss Stobart always selected good black stockmen and trusted them, and he knew that something quite out of the ordinary had happened to scatter the cattle in this way, and that it was not due to any carelessness on the boys' part. At last he came upon a bullock which was tottering along, hardly able to keep on its feet.