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All this wealth and much more old Grizzly Gaylor had given the pretty young singer in exchange for her beauty and the pleasure of snatching her away from other men. Despite the "boss's" notorious failings, it grated on Hilliard to hear Carmen rejoice aloud because her husband was underground, and she was free of him now that his back was turned forever. "Probably you're right," Nick said.

"Schmidt's right," Ferguson added. "Mr. Hamilton and you, ma'am, are human. So, we've decided to stick it out for a while, anyhow." McMahon, too, yielded his tribute of commendation. "Yes, Mrs. Hamilton," he said seriously, "there's one thing that the bosses generally don't understand; but the men always appreciate it when the boss, and the boss's wife, too, are on the level."

Everything would go on just as usual, of course. Why should there be any difference? But how lonesome it was! How they would miss Lady Gray's sweet voice and presence, and the "Boss's" jokes and laughter!

The east was beginning to lighten now, and against the reddening sky his dark face appeared almost pale. Howard shifted in his saddle seat and inspected the ground at his right as intently as though there might be jewels scattered about. "The boss's relative Craig," he added, "has taken possession there as completely as if he'd owned the place a lifetime instead of been a visitor two days."

Many a time during a legislative session, when I was a member of the House of Assembly, word would come to us of the boss's desire that we should support this or that bill, behind which certain corporate interests lay. The orders, however, were clean and without a threat of any kind. He took no unfair advantage and made no reprisals when we failed to carry out his desires.

The secretary of the municipality, the employees, all who were friends and adherents to the boss's group that Don Platon belonged with, began by degrees to leave Castro. Those who had lost their jobs, and their protectors too, began to write letters and more letters to the Deputy.

"I'm sorry to have to edge in on your plans, sissy," the fellow returned, familiarly, "but nobody goes away from this ranch for some little time to come. That's the boss's orders. Don't you know them rustlers is shootin' up the country ever' which way all around here? Shucks! It ain't safe for no lady to go skylarkin' around in."

He threw the lot into the fire; then he went through the Boss's pocket-book and tore out some leaves that had notes and addresses on them, and burnt them too. Then he sewed up the packet again and put it away in his saddle-bag. 'Such is life! said Andy, with a yawn that might have been half a sigh.

The boss's head snapped backward to the impact of a smashing blow; again he staggered, and, turning, spat a mouthful of blood which seeped into the ground, leaving upon the surface several brownish, misshapen nuggets. "God!" breathed a man, and turned away. "It's his teeth!" The yelling had ceased and men stared white faced.

She avoided him and he seemed to hesitate to seek her out. Would the up-state returns, I had wondered at first, be large enough to overcome the hostile city vote? I was amazed now to see how strongly the city was turning to Travis. "McLoughlin has kept his word," ejaculated Kennedy as district after district showed that the Boss's pluralities were being seriously cut into. "His word?