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Hermione, you show Mr. Filey the garden. And maybe, Lord Borrodaile would like to see it, too. Although the last-named failed to share the enthusiasm expected in a gardener, he pulled his long, slackly-put-together figure out of the chair and joined the young people. When they were out of earshot, 'What's the matter? asked Lady John. 'Matter?

'I don't know what we're coming to, I'm sure! said Borrodaile, with a detached air. 'Oh, that girl beyond a doubt, said his host, with conviction 'that girl was touched. 'Oh, beyond a doubt! echoed Mr. Farnborough. 'There's something about this particular form of feminine folly began Lord John. But he wasn't listened to for several people were talking at once.

'Twice in this last year I've sat with an empty place on one side of me at a dinner-party. On each occasion it was a young member of parliament who never turned up and never sent an apology. 'The same man both times? asked Lord Borrodaile. 'Yes; different houses, but the same man. 'He knew! whispered Borrodaile in Lady John's ear.

She had turned away definitely this time. 'Well, said Borrodaile, a little mocking, 'what is it? 'I don't know, she answered. 'I don't know what it is that seizes hold of me after I've been chattering like this for an hour or more. Borrodaile bent his head, and glanced past Vida to the abandoned minister. 'Console me by saying a slight weariness. 'More like loathing.

But why should you have been anxious? I can take care of myself." "Oh, it wasn't that," she cried scornfully, "but I wanted to tell you about Sir Jacob Borrodaile. You know, he's got an Embassy at least, he will have in a month and he wrote to say he hoped you would go with him." "Where's he going to?" "He's going to succeed Lord Topham at Strelsau," said she.

For don't believe it ever has been realized. It never has! Now our last speaker for to-day will say a few words to you. Mrs. Thomas. 'Haven't you had about enough? said Borrodaile, impatiently. 'Don't wait for me, was all her answer. 'Shall you stay, then, till the bitter end? 'It will only be a few moments now. I may as well see it out.

'And the way' Farnborough made up for any lack of enthusiasm 'the way he handled that Balkan question! 'All that was pure routine, Lord John waved it aside. 'But if Stonor had ever looked upon politics as more than a game, he'd have been a power long before this. 'Ah, said Borrodaile, slowly, 'you go as far as that? I doubt myself if he has enough of the demagogue in him.

Lord Borrodaile turned in her direction his long sallow face a face that would have been saturnine but for its touch of whimsicality and a singularly charming smile. 'My brother-in-law will bear me out, Mrs. Freddy went on, quite as though breaking off a heated argument.

Tunbridge' Farnborough was for giving her a chance to clear herself 'what do you think of your friends' recent exploits? 'My friends? 'Yes; the disorderly women. 'They are not my friends, said Mrs. Freddy, with dignity, 'but I don't think you must call them 'Why not? said Lord Borrodaile.

When the words were out, Lord Borrodaile had laughed a little uneasily like one who has surprised even himself by some too-illuminating avowal. 'See here, he put out a hand. 'I'm not going to let you go for a minute or two. I've brought something to show you.