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Booth's official report to the State convention, held in the fall of 1913 at Peoria, she said: "As we failed to introduce the form of bill approved by the Progressives' constitutional lawyers they introduced it, and it required considerable tact to allay their displeasure and induce them to support our bill."

As elsewhere remarked this question is not of such vital importance for India as for England, though the dealing with it is simply a question of time. We would therefore simply refer our readers to the admirable proposals embodied in General Booth's book.

We go through all the scenery on that side 'n' Edwin Booth does a flop when he hits the brick wall at the end of the stage. The ole hound ain't even scratched. I ain't hurt neither. "The curtain rings down 'n' De Mott comes a-lopin' to where I'm gettin' a painted grand-stand off of Edwin Booth's front legs. "'In heaven's name what were you trying to do? he says.

Barrow, full of manner and presence and often Edwin Booth's Portia, Desdemona and Julie de Mortemer. The Uncles, within my hearing, even imitated, for commendation, some of her choicer sounds, to which I strained my ear on seeing her afterwards as Mrs. Chillington in the refined comedietta of A Morning Call, where she made delightful game of Mr.

He had often been asked by Booth to take a drink at the nearest bar. Persons who drink assure me that the greatest mark of confidence which a great man can show a lesser one is to make that tender; this, therefore, explains Booth's power over Spangler. Spangler is the first scene-shifter who may become a dramatis personæ. A soldier sits between Spangler and Doctor Mudd.

Well, here was General Booth's scheme, which he had examined, and with which he had been deeply struck. He pitied the cold heart which could read and not be stirred by "Darkest England." In his best judgment he believed the scheme to be full of promise if the necessary funds were provided, and he merely regarded it as his humble duty to render the undertaking such aid as he could.

Since then Henry Irving, in London, has acted Hamlet two hundred consecutive times in one season; but this latter achievement, in the present day and in the capital city of the world, was less difficult than Edwin Booth's exploit, performed in turbulent New York in the closing months of the terrible civil war.

The doctor, who, from the natural jealousy of an author, imputed the agitation of Booth's muscles to his own sermon or letter on that subject, was a little offended, and said gravely, "I should be glad to know the reason of this immoderate mirth. Is adultery a matter of jest in your opinion?" "Far otherwise," answered Booth.

Bancroft's proposal shall each be responsible for £1,000 on the condition specified. With the offer of sympathy, and the assurance of hearty good wishes, I remain, yours very faithfully, The Earl of Airlie Subscribes. "The Earl of Airlie has forwarded towards General Booth's fund a cheque for £1,000." The Marquis of Queensberry offers his services. November 21.

Containing much heroic matter. At the end of three days Mrs. Ellison's friend had so far purchased Mr. Booth's liberty that he could walk again abroad within the verge without any danger of having a warrant backed against him by the board before he had notice.