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I. i. Be bold to be wise: to begin, be strong, He that to live well doth the time prolong, Clowne-like expects, till downe the streame be run, That runs, and will run, till the world be done. It is mere simplicitie to teach our children, What longs it to the seaven stars, and me, Or those about Bootes be.

"Well, be as quick as you can, that's all," replied I. "Festina lente, as Dr Tadpole often says, adding that it is Latin for hat and boots. I am surprised at his ignorance of the classics; any schoolboy ought to know that caput is the Latin for hat, and Bootes for boots. But lately I have abandoned the classics, and have given up my soul to poetry." "Indeed!"

Boötes was an ox-driver and only hunted bears to save his cattle. One day he went after a Mother Bear, that had one little cub. He chased them up to the top of a mountain so high, that they leaped off into the sky, and just as they were going, Boötes shot his arrows after them. His very first arrow hit the Little Bear in the tail they had long tails in those days and pinned him to the sky.

Si vero viciamque seres vilemque faselum ... Haud obscura cadens mittet tibi signa Bootes; Incipe, et ad medias sementem extende pruinas.

Nothing is clearer than the precept of the poet who was so admirably familiar with all matters agricultural; the sowing of the faselus must be commenced when the constellation of Bootes disappears at the set of sun, that is, in October; and it is to be continued until the middle of the winter.

Sir Edwin hardly came up to the required standard, but Mr. Bootes was easily persuaded that there was absolutely no limit to his possibilities, were he once set on his feet as far as money was concerned. The Prime Ministership, followed by a Peerage, were in his certain grasp, had he but the necessary money to back him.

"It is true in one sense, and not another." "Oh..." She seemed a little taken aback. "In what way is it true. Are you engaged to Miss Bootes?" "Yes." "Indeed!" She lifted her eyebrows, and moved a pace or two farther away. "Don't move away from me," he said a little thickly. "It isn't the part that's true which matters, but the part that is not true." "I don't understand."

It is by no means as brilliant as some of the star clusters we have seen, but it gains in beauty and impressiveness from the presence of one bright star that seems to captain a host of inferior luminaries. ... "that region Where still by night is seen The Virgin goddess near to bright Boötes."

But falling in with a terrible adventure, in which their sire had been slain, they altered their course to pursue the fugitive who murdered him; one and all vowing, never more to see home, until their father's fate was avenged. The murderer's proa outsailing theirs, soon ran out of sight; yet after him they blindly steered by day and by night: steering by the blood- red star in Bootes.

Hal bit her lip suddenly, and felt her blood run cold, but she kept her outward composure perfectly, and merely commented: "Oh, you mean about Sir Edwin Crathie and Miss Bootes!... that's very old news." "Well, it was only in the paper to-night anyhow; and only given as a rumour then. I was going to ask you if it is true. Yhey say he's in the dickens of a mess for money.