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She bent her head and turned her back to them all, and went out of the room. The male Hautvilles looked at one another. "What's come over the girl now?" said Abner, in his surly bass growl. "She's a woman," said his father, and he stamped his booted feet on the floor with a great clamp. Madelon meantime fled up-stairs to her chamber, with her first love-letter from Lot Gordon in her pocket.

He who can insult and strike his councillors he who can distinguish the wisest and most faithful among them by the opprobrious name of Booted Head!"

As for him he was booted and spurred and buckskinned already. He had nothing to do but mount and ride. All this had passed so quickly that I had hardly time to think on the strangeness of it. Our Mr. Poole, he to whom my uncle Rob had given such a stamp, was not the partner in the ancient firm of Smart, Poole and Smart of the Plainstones.

He made an appointment to see me in the afternoon and to have with him Colonel Daniel S. Lamont, the President's secretary, who was then Mr. Cleveland's political "trainer." My meeting with Colonel Lamont, in the afternoon, began jocularly. "This," Mr. Whitney introduced me, "is the young man who has a plan to use that mooted and booted Mormon question to re-elect the President."

Dashing at the door, she swung it in and entered. The place was dim, blue-hazed, smelling of smoke. Dale stood just inside the door. On the floor lay two men. Chairs and tables were overturned. A motley, dark, shirt-sleeved, booted, and belted crowd of men appeared hunched against the opposite wall, with pale, set faces, turned to the bar.

Had he not just gotten a job, and become a sharer in all this activity, a cog in this marvelous machine? Here and there about the alleys galloped men upon horseback, booted, and carrying long whips; they were very busy, calling to each other, and to those who were driving the cattle.

When he had been booted off he swung under and rode the trucks to the next stop. There a man with a lantern had searched him out, much as a nigger shines the eyes of a possum, and had dragged him forth. He was dragged forth at the second stop, and again at the third.

Five minutes later the cowboy viewed with approval the figure that stood before him, booted and spurred, with his mud-caked garments replaced by corduroy trousers and a shirt of blue flannel against which the red silk muffler made a splotch of vivid colouring. "You look like a sure enough top hand, now," grinned the Texan. "We'll just take a drink on that."

I fear, also, the American is becoming disqualified for the manly art of walking by a falling off in the size of his foot. He cherishes and cultivates this part of his anatomy, and apparently thinks his taste and good breeding are to be inferred from its diminutive size. A small, trim foot, well booted or gaitered, is the national vanity.

Ye, sure, are sent a blessed boon, From kinder worlds afar; For while I look my heart is all delight: Earth hath no creatures half so pure and bright. Later on Greenough came to them "all booted and bearded beyond recognition" save in "his walk and his talk."