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Finally, with a vague idea of a compromise between the impossible alternative of making love to her, which he could n't, and seeming an insensible boor, which he wouldn't, he laid his disengaged hand upon hers as it rested on his arm.

"Thankye," said the man. "Is that all you want to say?" "No. Now look here; I'll give you five guineas if you'll let me go some time to-night. You could break through that window, and it would seem as if I had done it myself." For answer the man turned upon his heel and stalked out of the place without a word. "Get out, you rude boor!" cried Hilary, as the door slammed and the key turned.

To spend it, only, she had wrecked her sex and her soul; to spend it for such trifles as children want candy and common ornaments, a dance and a treat, a gift for some boor or forester or even negro she was misleading, or to establish a silly reputation for generosity: generous at the expense of human happiness, and of robbing people of liberty and life, merely for spending-money!

What poet sits down and says, 'I will write a poem'? What man looks out and says, 'I will fall in love'? No! Happiness, as the great German tells us, 'falls suddenly from the bosom of the gods; so does love." EGERTON. "You remember the old line in Horace: 'The tide flows away while the boor sits on the margin and waits for the ford."

"I dare do more than you," she cried. "You're never anything but cowards and bullies." "Oh, cowards and bullies!" they repeated mincingly, mocking her speech. "Not such a clown shall anger me, A boor is answered silently," he quoted against her, shouting with laughter. She went indoors. Paul went with the boys into the orchard, where they had rigged up a parallel bar. They did feats of strength.

And here was that stiff-necked old watch-dog callously laying his corns so that Stewart Morrison would appear to be boor enough to allow a young lady to wait along with that unspeakable rabble; and when he did come he would arrive in his shirt-sleeves to be matched up against a handsome young man in an Astrakhan top-coat!

If he ever came to her mind as a fugitive memory it would be in the guise of a churlish boor as impossible as his own hill cattle. "Question is, could you land a job in New York if you wanted one," explained Stace to the dreamer. "If it's neck meat or nothin' a fellow can 'most always get somethin' to do," said Lindsay in the gentle voice he used.

The features he would stamp upon him might be better applied to the Sussex yokel or the English country boor of whatever county. The generality of travellers strangely disagree with Mr. Godkin. They find the Irishman the type of vivacity, good humor, and wit; and they are right.

She has actually opened the window, and is clearing the snow off the sill with a fire-shovel. Her eyes meet Signor Odoardo's; she smiles and shakes her head, as though to say: What hateful weather! He would be an ill-mannered boor who should not feel impelled to say a word to the dauntless Signor Evelina.

You can learn some while you are dressing for dinner; that is a capital time. And I will give you a hint or two this evening in the billiard- room. You don't mind?" What could Crawley say? He did mind, not bargaining for learning lessons in the holidays; but he could not show himself so uncivil a boor as to refuse.