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But he said nothing, and David rattled on, describing, with a gusto which never failed, one of Purcell's book-selling enormities after another. It was evident that he despised his master with a passionate contempt. It was evident also that Purcell had shown a mean and unreasoning jealousy of his assistant.

Then next, being a philosopher, he would decide that if he was going to buy a great number of libraries in this way, he was going to make an absolutely new sort of demand for these books, and that he was entitled to a special sort of supply. He would not expect the machinery of retail book-selling to meet the needs of wholesale buying.

What I am going to say now I hardly like to mention, because of its privacy, but it is so much to my father's honour that I cannot omit it. Besides, almost everybody concerned is now dead. When he left Bedford he was considerably in debt, through the falling off in his book-selling business which I have just mentioned, caused mainly by his courageous partisanship.

The demand dies and the audience gets impatient while the sellers are trying to make change. The speaker who endeavors to make a success of book-selling at his meetings will find his labors doubled. The larger his sales the greater his labors.

If the loss of time was to prevent a University career, he thought book-selling under Felix's eye the preferable occupation.

This Bartholomew, of whom we shall see a good deal in the future, is merely an outline at this stage of the story; an outline that will later be filled up with human features and fitted with a human character; at present he is but a brother of Christopher, with a rather bookish taste, a better knowledge of cartography than Christopher possessed, and some little experience of the book-selling trade.

In addition to this I now heard that my youngest sister, Cecilia, had become betrothed to a certain Eduard Avenarius, an employee of the Brockhaus book-selling firm, and that he had undertaken the management of their Paris branch. To him I applied for news of Scribe, and for an answer to the application I had made to that gentleman some years previously.

I first sold laces, and then I sold loocifers, and then something else; I have followed several trades in Wales, your hanner; at last I got into the book-selling trade, in which I now am." "And it answers, I suppose, as badly as the others?" "Just as badly, your hanner; divil a bit better." "I suppose you never beg?" "Your hanner may say that; I was always too proud to beg.

"That is what I thought. And more than that; while there you can establish correspondences in the book-selling and stationery line." "I think I could; and such acquaintance might prove of advantage to me in other respects." "It certainly would; and I decide that you get yourself ready to sail with Captain Annis.

He had to teach himself how to set the type, and, as his press would print only half a sheet at a time, it was very slow work; but he persevered, and gradually built up a little printing business in connection with his book-selling.