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This cheerful statement was greeted with a wail from Susan and howls from Boo, who had earned that name from the ease with which, on all occasions, he could burst into a dismal roar without shedding a tear, and stop as suddenly as he began. "Oh, I am so sorry! It was my fault; I shouldn't have let her do it," said Jack, distressfully. "It was all my fault; I made him.

Crowley emphatically, as she laid her long white gloves by the side of her. 'I deplore the prejudice with which you regard a very jolly sort of a girl, answered Dick. 'Amelia has everything that I thoroughly object to in a woman. She has no figure, and her legs are much too long, and she doesn't wear corsets. In the daytime she has a weakness for picture hats, and she can't say boo to a goose.

Suddenly it occurred to some boy to yell, "Boo! boo!" whereat the other boys laughed, and took up the chorus, "Boo! boo!" The canvas moved less steadily, slackening for a moment, and then shooting ahead, as if the propelling power were the subject of strange perturbation.

"Larn, then, O wayfarer, that the people of Boo Parry are most arrant gentiles, heathens, and carribals. And this, as I discover, is the nature and method of their vile faith. They hold that the gods are each and several incarnate in some one particular human being. This human being they worship and reverence with all ghostly respect as his incarnation.

Indeed, these young men, who have perhaps been trained as missionaries, often discourse of Buddha with a very long and unctuous 'Boo.

"What is it?" asked Lilly, tiptoeing. "A feller's gold watch rolled down." "Who'll go down on a rope?" called out the owner. "I will," cried Lilly. The crowd turned its face to her. "I will, for a hundred and fifty dollars now here!" In the derision and boo that went up she escaped, hurrying this time and without uncertainty.

"VICE-CONSULATE FOR GREAT BRITAIN, "MAZAGAN, Oct. 5, 1838. "This is to certify that Abd Allah bin Boo Shaïb es-Sálih, resident at Aïn Haloo in the province of Rahámna, has been duly appointed agent of Edward Vecchio, a British subject, residing in Mazagan: all authorities will respect him according to existing treaties, not molesting him without proper notice to this Vice-Consulate.

She went over and shook her finger gently in the invalid's face. "You're cross just because you're hungry!" "I ain't neither!" Smith replied, like a little boy. "Yes, you are!" Lucia kept on. "I ain't!" "Uh, uh!" she teased him, as though she were playing with a baby. Smith grew peevish. "Gol darn it, I tell you I ain't!" And he gave his chair a rapid twirl. "Boo!" came from Lucia softly.

There were still a few more words in the criticism, mostly the critic's own opinion of the book; but Billy did not care for this. She had read quite enough boo much, in fact.

Ain't he pretty?" asked Boo, displaying the immense mouth with fond pride, while his friend flapped the tail. "What are you going to do with him?" said Mrs. Hammond, regarding her infant as if she often asked herself the same question about her boy.