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In the Quiangan area I was shown a litter of half-breeds and was told that it was customary for the pueblo sows to breed to the wild boar of the mountains. The Bontoc hog in many ways is a pampered pet.

A fish called "li'-ling," which attains a length of about 6 inches, is also caught by the last-described method. It is not nearly so plentiful as the ka-cho'. One man living in Bontoc may be called a fisherman. He spends most of his time with his traps in the river, and sells his fish to the Ilokano and Igorot residents of the pueblo.

"We never kill o-wug'; he is our friend. If he crosses our path on a journey, we stop and talk. If he crosses our path three or four times, we return home, because, if we continue our journey then, some of us will die. O-wug' thus comes to tell us not to proceed; he knows the bad anito on every trail." Who took my father's head? The Bontoc people have another folk tale regarding head taking.

The women cut or pick off the "runners" from the perpetual vines in the sementeras near the dwellings. These they transplant in the unirrigated mountain sementeras after the crops of millet and maize have been gathered. The irrigated sementeras are also planted to camotes by transplanting from these house beds. This transplanting lasts about six weeks in Bontoc, beginning near the middle of July.

The women remove their skirts, they say, because they usually possess only one at a time, and they prefer to go naked in the rain and while working in the wet sementeras rather than sit in a wet skirt when they reach home. Few women in the Bontoc area wear jackets or waists.

To-day the forges of the Bontoc Igorot, of the Tinguian-Kalinga border villages, and of Apayao, are turning out superior weapons, but elsewhere in the northwestern districts the pagan people have either lost the art, or make only very inferior articles.

And, as has been noted, all day long during April and May, when there were no camote vines, women and little girls were going about bearing their small scoop-shaped sug-fi' gathering wild vegetation for the hogs. Almost all of the water used in Bontoc is carried from the river to the pueblo, a distance ranging from a quarter to half a mile.

Among the thirty-two men, nine are brachycephalic that is, their cephalic index is greater than 80; twenty of the thirty-two are mesaticephalic, with cephalic index between 75 and 80; and only three are dolichocephalic that is, the cephalic index is below 75. The nasal indexes of the thirty-two men show that the Bontoc man has the "medium" or mesorhine nose.

The fire syringe, common west of Bontoc Province among the Tinguian, is not known in the Bontoc culture area. Division of labor Under this title must be grouped all forms of occupations which are considered necessary to the life of the pueblo. Up to the age of 5 or 6 years Bontoc children do not work.

The Igorot is a natural head-hunter, and his training for the last sixty years seems to have done little more for him than whet this appetite. Somatology Man The Bontoc men average about 5 feet 4 1/8 inches in height, and have the appearance of being taller than they are.