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"Only half a lung left," he stammered, as soon as he could speak, "an' Duc can't fix the boneset, camomile, and whisky, as she could. An' he waters the whisky curse-his-soul!" The last three words were spoken through another spasm of coughing. "An' the blister how he mucks the blister!" Pierre sat back on the table, laughing noiselessly, his white teeth shining.

She's took camomile and orange-peel, and snake-root and boneset, and dash-root and dandelion and there hain't nothin' done her no good. She told me to-day she couldn't keep up no longer, and I've been a-tellin' Mis' Pennel and her grand'ther.

He swallowed some of it as if it had been boneset, under the impression that it was some sort of "yerb" that would be good for his insides. Without praising its flavor, he asked what it had cost, and, when I told him "a dollar a pound," reckoned that it was "rich man's medicine"; said he preferred dittany or sassafras or goldenrod.

A hat don't seem to be the right thing to work in the garden with, and if I do wear one the sun burns the back of my neck when I stoop down; so I got me a bunnet, like I used to wear, and it makes me feel real to home. Good-by, good-by, doctor." She turned to Mrs. Beaumont: "Now, if the boneset tea don't do you no good, let me know.

I've been in politics for thirty years, Ross, with my fair share of good luck and bad, but I've never been up against the equal of this. It's it's " He broke off in despair of adequate characterization. "Brace up, brace up. You need a brandy and soda." "I've had two." "Then take a glass of milk," rallied Shelby; "paregoric, boneset tea, anything. I'm ashamed of you." Bowers smiled wanly.

The road to Landisville led past green fields of tobacco and corn, large farmhouses where old-fashioned flowers made a vivid picture in the gardens, orchards and woodland tracts, their green shade calling invitingly. Once they crossed a wandering little creek whose shallow waters flowed through lovely meadows where boneset plants were white with bloom and giant eupatorium lifted its rosy heads.