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And he held up what appeared to be a large bone, perforated in several places. The bald little man with the red and green ribbon uttered an exclamation of surprise. "It is a tibia!" said he, examining it through his double eye-glass. "And what of that?" laughed Rachel. "Is it so wonderful to find one leg in a collection of arms?

"I think, Capitao, you would do well to shave," Pedro suggested, with a smile. "'Fraid so," the captain granted. "Black beards evidently are de trop in the jungle social set at present." But then one of the Red Bone men came forward, still squinting narrowly, and his expression was not hostile. In fact, it was more friendly than it had yet been.

He liked the work and went to it like a dog to a bone. He was applying in a practical way what he had learned in college of a theoretical nature, and finding the thing of amazing interest. He made progress.

The thief had the courage to tear him away, and returned, walking upon the bare bone of the mutilated stump till he reached the rest of the gang, when he fell fainting, and they carried him off. The Police News, of course, did not fail to report this delightful night incident, but no one believed in it.

After all if she's on an island today she'll be there tomorrow." "If that fool of a sergeant told us the truth this morning," said Lord Torrington, "and there's some man with her I want to break every bone in his body as soon as I can." "He'll be there tomorrow," said Sir Lucius, "and I'll see that there's a boat here to take us out."

Now skin the thigh quite to the knee; cut away all flesh and tendons, and leave the bone; form an artificial thigh round it with cotton; apply the solution and draw back the skin over the artificial thigh: the same to the other thigh.

"The stairs are real soft since we put the new carpet on them," remarked Nora. "They are well padded," agreed Mrs. Martin. "I guess that's what kept him from getting hurt. It was like rolling down a feather bed. But he might have got his arm or leg twisted under him and have broken a bone. How did he happen to fall?"

It was a dreary pull and a long and thirsty one, for we had no water. From one extremity of this desert to the other, the road was white with the bones of oxen and horses. It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that we could have walked the forty miles and set our feet on a bone at every step! The desert was one prodigious graveyard.

The man's voice was heard; they went out to speak to him, and Caroline was left with her boy. "What do you think, Ali, my dear, she said, kneeling by him, "I have often heard dear papa speak of the wonderful instinct of those bone- setting families." "I'd have nothing to do with a humbugging quack," put in Bobus.

Following the senseless custom adopted by men, many of whom hate it themselves, we have our breeches to button on the shin bone.