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The captain and his mates, with Mr Bollard, sat up for several hours arranging the plan of the vessel, which they proposed commencing as soon as the timber could be got from the wreck. By daybreak they commenced repairing the boat, and she being put to rights, they were able to proceed more rapidly in getting the stores and provisions on shore. A raft was also formed to facilitate the operation.

So violently, however, did the waves break on the shore, that the seamen could not without much difficulty get hold of her. "Now, my lads," cried Bollard, "we will make a dash at the boat. A strong pull, and a pull altogether, and we will have her in safety."

He hove to, therefore, till the cutter could come up, that he might consult with the boatswain. "It's six of one and half-a-dozen of the other," answered Bollard; "the boats have shown what they can do, and I am ready to chance running in." Harry could not conceal from himself the risk he was about to run; yet it might be greater should he continue at sea during the gale which was brewing.

On his way to ask news of the group of fishermen at the Quay-head he hurried and almost without observing him past Nicky-Nan; who likewise had hobbled forth to discover the meaning of the uproar, and, having discovered it, had retired to seat himself on the bollard outside the "Three Pilchards" and nurse his leg.

Emily and May Dicey stood on the beach, watching with fearful apprehension the ship as she lay with her broadside against the reef, the sea wildly breaking over her. "Oh! they will be lost, they will be lost," cried May. Emily clasped her hands. "Willy, can nothing be done for them?" she exclaimed. "I hope so," said Willy. "If man can help them, Harry Shafto and Bollard will do it."

The noise of the fight came closer and closer, and the wounded crept in a piteous stream to us. And then a man would look to the after line from the ship to the bollard on the wharf, and leaped on the after deck close to me.

How good the smell of this place is," she paused to sniff the tar-sea scents brought by the afternoon wind. It was like the smell of Freedom. Then they came on to the fisher wharf and right into the arms of Captain Jean Bontemps. Captain Jean was about five feet in height and he seemed five feet in thickness. He was propped against a bollard and he was in his shore-going clothes.

"I'll see him in the morning; I cannot do him much good now." "But he may be overboard before then, sir," answered Bollard. "It's a hard job to keep him quiet now, and he is getting worse and worse. He swears that he will swim back to the ship, as he has left all his traps aboard, and abuses us for not going to get them." "Lash him to a thwart, then," said the doctor.

Then, as if headed off by the noise of hammering within, he faced about and made across the bridge for the quay-head and his favourite bollard. There, as a man in a dream, he found a seat, and vainly for ten minutes strove to collect and arrange his thoughts.

Then they lifted Jacobs on to the hatch, and when he had gone, Jock. When Jock was lifted, a sort of sudden shiver ran through the crowd. He had been a favourite in a quiet way, and I know I felt, all at once, just a bit queer. I was standing by the rail, upon the after bollard, and Tammy was next to me; while Plummer stood a little behind.