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"That is a very romantic life, isn't it?" she murmured. "What?" "Yours. I don't know much about it; Kathleen took me to hear 'La Bohême'; and I found Murger's story in the library. I have also read 'Trilby. Did you were you was life like that when you studied in the Latin Quarter?" He laughed. "Not a bit. I never saw that species of life off the stage."

So Henry Murger's first work, "La Vie de Bohême," was very popular; but it did not swell his purse or improve his wardrobe. He was introduced to me, and I shall never forget the low bow he made me. I was afraid for one moment that his bald head would fall between his legs. This precocious baldness gave to his delicate and sad face a singular physiognomy.

'Chatterton' was a failure, but 'La Bohème' , though somewhat cast into the shade by Puccini's work upon the same subject, scored a decided success. Leoncavallo's music is conceived in a totally different mood from that of Puccini.

In the last act, after a passionate duet between the lovers, Cavaradossi is executed Scarpia having given a secret order to the effect that the execution shall be genuine after all and La Tosca in despair throws herself into the Tiber. In 'La Tosca' we are in a world very different from that of 'La Bohème. Here there is very little scope for grace and tenderness. All is deadly earnest.

"By Jove, this is a little too much like the last act of Boheme," he said, slipping into his coat again after a vain glance at the coal-scuttle. Much solitude, and a lively habit of mind, had bred in him the habit of audible soliloquy, and having flung a shout for the janitor down the seven flights dividing the studio from the basement, he turned back, picking up the thread of his monologue.

It was Wilbur Cowan who first in Newbern discovered that you could speed up a car by dropping a few moth balls into the gasoline tank. He called his car the Can, but, unreasonably, was not too cordial to others using the name. The Can bore the pair to a fretful halt under the newest electric lights on River Street. "The La Bohême" read the dazzling sign. And Winona passed into her new life.

His taste had been formed, in the first instance, by the more frivolous productions of the Romantic school by "Mademoiselle de Maupin," in part; by the "Vie de Boheme," more largely; and this taste had taken a confirmed set through the perusal of other works of a like trend more contemporaneous and therefore still more deleterious.

They assumed a relation creditable only in La Boheme, and were as tender as love without esteem can ever be. But, after a time, Booth wearied of her and offered to say "good by." She refused he treated her coldly; she pleaded he passed her by. Then, with a jealous woman's frenzy, she drew a knife upon him and stabbed him in the neck, with the intent to kill him.

"His religion," Sir Francis volunteered in a further note, "as that of the majority of his French confrères, you will find it in the artistic sketches of the men and women in La Bohème" "His guardian angel, humanly and socially, was his wife." Everyone who knew du Maurier now speaks of his attractiveness and the simplicity and honesty of his nature.

A girl who confused 'La Boheme' with 'The Bohemian Girl, and wants an enlarged crayon portrait of Austin in her drawing-room! Really, it's well, it's remarkable to me. I don't know what you see in it!" "Crayon portraits used to be considered quite attractive, and may be again," said Mrs. Phelps, mildly.