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Bobolink in maple high, trills a note of glee, Farmer boy in gay reply now whistles cheerily." The chorus was all whistle, and it was written for folks who could. It went up until it almost split the echoes, and Laddie could easily sail a measure above the notes. He did it too. As for me, I kept from sight. For a week Laddie whistled and plowed.

"Two hours each, divided into four," replied the chief, feeling the responsibility of his position; for this was really the first time Bobolink could remember being placed over any of his fellow scouts Paul wished to "try him out," and discover what sort of reliance could be placed in the lad. "That's an awful short time to get a snooze," complained Spider, yawning.

Almost all day, except when he was stirring the soup, which he made in a great kettle set into a brick oven, he was sitting on a little stool in his doorway, knitting, and the loon sat on a perch at his right hand. The loon who was a very large bird, was crazy, and thought he was a bobolink. Link, link, bobolink! he sang all day long, instead of crying in the way a loon usually does.

"One good pull deserves another; eh, fellows?" cried the delighted Bobolink, who was wondering whether Jack would ever entrust the wheel to his care again, after that accident; but he need not have worried, for somehow the skipper did not seem to feel that it was his fault. And Bobolink, when he was again placed in charge of the wheel, felt that he had had a lesson that would last him some time.

"No, indeed!" Bobby Bobolink assured him. "And you must tell me how I can sing fast as I always do and yet do it safely." "Ah!" the Hermit exclaimed. "That can't be done. You must sing more slowly, as I do. Take plenty of time for every note. And above all, don't sing very often!" "Oh! I never could sing that way!" Bobby Bobolink cried. "I have to sing joyful songs.

"How queer!" thought Martin. "Not a single tree to be seen! Surely the pine dwarfs don't live in a place like this? Perhaps old Bobolink has only hoaxed me after all." However, he turned round seventeen times just to see what would happen; and the first thing that happened was that he became remarkably giddy and had to sit down on the ground to recover himself.

Flags were flying from fore and aft of both boats; and the boys waved their campaign hats, while they sent back hearty cheers in answer to the many good wishes shouted after them by the crowd ashore, while Bobolink blew cheery blasts on his bugle, and Bluff Shipley would have beaten a lively tattoo on his drum, only it had been decided best to leave that instrument at home.

Let's get a move on, and start the ball rolling. When's the next meeting, Paul?" "To-night, and once more at the barn where we were first. This time I figure on having nearly twenty present, and that will make things interesting." "Same hour as before eight o'clock?" asked Bobolink. "Yes.

Bobolink said to him, "What a shame that Farmer Green should break up a happy home like ours!" And Master Meadow Mouse remarked that it was very careless of Farmer Green. "He might have waited till the snow comes, at least, before cutting the grass," said Master Meadow Mouse. "You'd better move to Cedar Swamp with us," Mrs. Bobolink suggested. "It's a fine place.

And as for Bobby Bobolink, he couldn't seem to say a word for himself. Luckily he didn't need to. For just then his wife came bustling up and settled herself right in the midst of the Singing Society. Proud as she was of her husband's voice, she hadn't been able to stay away from the meeting. So she had hovered near-by, where she could hear everything without being seen.