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He heard the detective behind him. He was aware of the man's narrow eyes watching him with a malicious assurance. Bobby, with a feeling of discomfort, sprung in part from the gloomy passageway, paused before the door his grandfather had had the unaccountable whim of entering last night. The detective took a key from his pocket and inserted it in the lock.

"I'm afraid it would, Bobby. You might have asked my advice, but I expect you wouldn't have taken it." "I guess you're right about that," admitted Bobby; "but if you'd only married me Honest, Agnes, when are you going to?" "I shall not commit myself," she replied, smiling up at him rather wistfully.

You must be very tired." "Not at all; I didn't run, only walked very quick," replied he; but his quick breathing indicated that his words or his walk had been very much exaggerated. "Has your father returned?" "He has; he is waiting for you in the sitting room. Come in, Bobby." Bobby followed her into the room, and took the chair which Annie offered him. "How do you do, Bobby?

Betty and Bobby at least considered that they were quite as well able to endure the hardships of a tramp through the snow as the boys. "I'd just like to see that tunnel, and see how hard it is snowing outside," said Betty privately to her chum. "Let's go look," exclaimed Bobby, equally curious. Libbie and Timothy had their heads together over a book.

The party of school children which usually went over the highway was so small in number that it is hard to understand how such a mistake could be made, but the difference between Bobby and Sallie was irreconcilable. "I know she didn't come home with us," said Sallie, stamping her foot to give emphasis to the words.

Two hits would win; one miss would tie. Bobby stood up, his breath coming and going rapidly, his sight a little blurred. But Mr. Kincaid went through his motions of preparation, and broke the two balls, with no more haste or excitement than if they had been the first two of the match. A cheer broke out. Others were still to shoot, but this decided the winner.

Bobby found himself facing the great walnut desk. Behind him the room had fallen silent save for an irregular breathing sound. "Who are you?" asked the judge. "Bobby Orde." "Why do you say the prisoner Mr. Kincaid did not commit the deed?" Bobby started in a confused way to tell about the cap. The judge raised his hand. "Were you present at this crime?" he asked shrewdly.

Barber for something from his shelves you're not asking for Bobby Blossom, but for Paul. That will make asking easy for you." The first store the boys went into was the hardware store. Mr. Gobert, the proprietor, came forward when he saw the six boys. "Want your skates sharpened?" he asked cheerfully. The committee looked hopefully at Bobby. He had promised to "ask first."

"Who's squealing?" she demanded. "Let me up, do! Are you hurt, Bob?" "Only the wind knocked out of me. Woof! You all right?" "Oh, my dear!" shrieked Bobby at the top of the bank. "Are you killed, Betty?" "Only half killed," gasped Betty. "Don't worry. Spread the news. Elizabeth Gordon, Miss Sharpe's prize Latin scholar, will yet return to Shadyside to make glad the heart of "

The Captain answered grimly, "I hid out in the garden once with Billy Rand to keep from meeting her." Flushed with the unparalleled adventures of the day, Bobby Whaley asked his father, "Dad, ain't the old Interpreter one of us? ain't he?" "Sure he is." "Well, then, what for did old Adam Ward's daughter go to see him just like Mag an' me did?"