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He'd love to see her presented as a classy dame showing her ivories and proving how "beneficiary" his chewing-gum was for the teeth as well as the digestion. Kedzie told the delicatessen merchant's wife all about his glorious promises, and she said, very sagely: "Bevare vit dose bo'quet fellers. Better as so many roses is it he should brink you a slice roastbif once.

You see, I'm tryin' to be to these flowers what God is to his churches. The sun, which answers to the Sperrit, has to shine on 'em all, an' the rain, which answers to God's mercy, has to fall on 'em all. I jes watch 'em, an' plan fer 'em, an' shelter 'em, an' love 'em, an' if they do their part they're bound to grow. Now I'm goin' to cut you a nice bo'quet to carry back to the Cabbage Patch."

"You ought to have a sprig of 'em for his bo'quet," suggested Miss Pendexter. "Yes, I've put a sprig in," said her companion. At this moment Miss Pendexter took a good look at the bouquets, and found that they were as nearly alike as careful hands could make them. Mrs. Bickford was evidently trying to reach absolute impartiality.

John walked out into the Jenkins's part of the house with them, while Amarilly slipped home by way of the Annex bedroom. The entrance was certainly effective to the neighbors. "Ain't she a lily though!" "Look at that long veil onct!" "Jest like 'a picter!" "What a swell waist" "That big bo'quet!" "I niver seed sech flowers afore." "That surplus makes it look like picters!"

"Yes," the good old man repeated, "ef I knowed I could stir in every blame thing thet's got a ribbon bow or a bo'quet on it, I'd take a spoon to this table now an' stir the whole business up an' start fresh!" Still, as his hand tipped a bottle presently, he caught it and set it cautiously back in its place.

I'll take the whip out, set up straight, an' drive fast; you hold your bo'quet in your lap, an' open your little red parasol, an' we'll jest make the natives stare!" The child's face was radiant for a moment, but the glow faded just as quickly as she said, "I forgot mother put me inside, and maybe she'd want me to be there when I got to aunt Mirandy's.

Presently a woman in the next yard parted these vines, to look over and say pleasantly: "Good-mornin', Mis' Studdiford! I's just looking over an' DEE- spairin' of ever gettin' my backyard to look like yours! It does smell like one big bo'quet mornin's like this!" "Oh, well, there are so many of us to fuss with it," said the young woman addressed, cheerfully.