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"Oh, you crafty Master Ridd!" said Lorna, looking up at me, and blushing now a far brighter blush than when she spoke of Charlie; "I thought that you were much too simple ever to do this sort of thing. No wonder you can catch the fish, as when first I saw you." "Have I caught you, little fish? Or must all my life be spent in hopeless angling for you?" "Neither one nor the other, John!

Rayburn, he would have felt it his duty to reject them, as unjustifiable aspersions on an absent man. And yet, when he took leave that evening of Mrs. Zant, he had pledged himself to give Lucy a holiday at the seaside: and he had said, without blushing, that the child really deserved it, as a reward for general good conduct and attention to her lessons!

"I do not know that I can call the transient emotion I have felt, a desire," I answered; blushing that I had ever cherished thoughts which I was unwilling to disclose. "I believe curiosity is natural to youth and inexperience." "Perfect love casteth out fear, Gabriella. You must promise to tell me every wish of your heart; and be assured, if consistent with reason, it shall be gratified."

"Father," she said nervously, blushing a little, "who was that you said you had in your eye?" "Oh, nobody in particular," said the Reb, equally embarrassed and avoiding meeting her eye, as if to conceal the person in his. "But you must have meant something by it," she said gravely. "You know I'm not going to be married off to please other people." The Reb wriggled uncomfortably in his chair.

How lovely was the face that reflected itself in the glass as she stood before it, smoothing back her long hair, murmuring sweet snatches of Italian love-song, and blushing with sweeter love-thoughts as she sang!

Arbuton by pressing the point of her sun-umbrella somewhat nervously upon the floor, and blushing a very little. Then she gave him her hand with friendly frankness, and smiled dazzlingly upon him, while the elder hailed him with effusive assertion of familiar acquaintance, heaping him with greetings and flatteries and cries of pleasure.

He started sharply at this, but was not angry, simply pulling away from her, blushing, very embarrassed, and more and more anxious to get away. Toby, the waiter, appeared at their door. "That last was on me, you know," said young Haight, intercepting Vandover and settling for the round of drinks. "Hello!" exclaimed Toby, "what's the matter with your lip?"

And so it happened to Mary Edwards, that, when she set foot on California soil, no lover appeared to welcome her, and her trembling and blushing were turned to painful suspense and secret bitter tears.

The suddenness of the question the consciousness that she might vex Nathanael did she answer it made her hesitate, blushing vividly nay, painfully. "No, don't tell me. I want to hear nothing, nothing, Agatha. I have before told you so. Do not be afraid." "How strange you are! What should I be afraid of?" "Nothing. Forget I said anything.

When he came near her he stood still a moment, but she would not look up, and between annoyance and disappointment and confusion she felt that she was blushing, which she would not have had Zorzi see for anything. She wondered why he did not go on. "Have I offended you?" he asked, in a low voice. Oddly enough, her embarrassment disappeared as soon as he spoke, and the blush faded away.