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He's probably next to Seaton." "I took it up with him yesterday. We can't get him, his figures are entirely out of reason. Aren't there any other men in the country who know anything? You are a good man, why don't you tackle it yourself?" "Because I don't know anything about that particular line of research, and I want to keep on living awhile longer," the chemist replied bluntly.

About ten o'clock that morning a logger came up to the works on the hill. "Can you use another man?" he asked bluntly. "I want to work." Hollister engaged him. By his dress, by his manner, Hollister knew that he was at home in the woods. He was young, sturdily built, handsome in a swarthy way. There was about him a slightly familiar air.

"Now, I call that a very proper spirit in which to approach the subject," Mr. Kilroy declared. "You have every right to expect to make the best match possible, and the choice for a young lady in your position will be restricted." "Not at all," said Angelica bluntly. "Is thy servant a slave of a princess that she should marry a rickety king? I have quite other views for myself.

There is something worse, dreadfully worse, that I cannot tell you, that only the Rameros know, and hold like a sword over my head. If I marry Marcos his father will destroy all evidence of it and I shall have a handsome, talented, rich husband." Eloise bowed her head and clasped her hands, crushed by the misery of her lot. "And if you refuse to marry this scoundrel?" I asked, bluntly.

I'll put the case to you quite bluntly. Suppose Mr. Saffron, having this liking for me, this confidence in me, living here with me alone, except for servants; being, as one might say, exposed to my influence; suppose he took it into his head to make a will in my favor, to leave me all his money. It's quite a considerable sum, so far as our Wednesday doings enable me to judge.

Dan tried to express injury and indignation in a long, hard look; but Beth was reading another letter, and took no further notice of him. He hung about a little watching her. "Any news," he ventured at last, with an imperfect assumption of indifference. "You know quite well what my news is," she answered bluntly, "and I am not going to discuss it with you. I wish you would leave me alone."

These thoughts may be vain; they spring only from the ceaseless impulses of an upward-aspiring spirit; but if they are real, and to be fulfilled, I shall the more need thy love and the gladness of thy dear presence." He wrote to his friends in New York about getting work there, but they did not encourage him much. Horace Greeley bluntly advised him to stay where he was.

"What neither you nor I should try to prevent, m'sieu'," was Pierre's reply. "Magor will do the man injury?" "What would you have? Put the matter on your own hearthstone, eh?... Pardon, if I say these things bluntly." Pierre still lightly rocked the cradle with one foot. "But vengeance is in God's hands."

"The truth is," he plunged, suddenly "just between you and me, in confidence, I was compelled to speak to him about the matter the other day; and, to my surprise, he told me bluntly that as he was now placed he would not care to give full time to the management of my affairs. He has his sights pretty high. He is making money rapidly, and he feels independent." "Good Lord!

As long as he could whisper, he would go on as he had begun, bluntly refusing to meet his creator with the admission that the creation had taught him nothing except that the square of the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle might for convenience be taken as equal to something else." On his own premises, there is something too much of the ego here.