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He seems to possess some sort of attraction for your family." Phineas Duge looked at the speaker coldly, and Littleson felt that somehow, somewhere, he had blundered. He made a great show of commencing his first course. "Let me know exactly," Phineas Duge said, a moment or two later, "what you have done with regard to the man Vine." Littleson glanced cautiously around. "I have seen him," he said.

"I should have blundered past this place in the night, and so lost the Danes altogether; or if I had not done that, they would soon have found out what state my men were in. You should have heard old Thord rate them into order; it is in my mind that he even called me Odda the ealdorman hard names in his broad Norse tongue.

A Senior in Miss North's school stood for something was supposed to stand for all that was honorable, above board. She was trusted, looked up to privileged. Anything that touched her honor touched the school, lowered the standard of the class. A Senior stood as an example a pattern for juniors and younger girls, and she ... well, she had blundered terribly!

I had been making a net to catch vultures and falcons, and lo and behold! two plump thrushes had blundered into it. Presently a third figure arrived, a young man on a bicycle, with a bag of golf-clubs slung on his back. He strolled round to the tennis lawn and was welcomed riotously by the players. Evidently they were chaffing him, and their chaff sounded horribly English.

The distressing explanation she had to make to Harriet, and all that poor Harriet would be suffering, with the awkwardness of future meetings, the difficulties of continuing or discontinuing the acquaintance, of subduing feelings, concealing resentment, and avoiding eclat, were enough to occupy her in most unmirthful reflections some time longer, and she went to bed at last with nothing settled but the conviction of her having blundered most dreadfully.

There's no danger of anybody spoilin' your drinkin', if they could interfere with your atin'. You guess, Dannie." "The dominick hen is setting," ventured Dannie, and Mary's face showed that he had blundered on the truth. "She is," affirmed Mary, pouring the tea, "but it is real mane of you to guess it, when I've so few new things to tell.

In the twinkling of an eye the quarter-breed realized the extreme danger of his position. His wrath knew no bounds. Up and down he raged in his fury, cursing like a madman, while all about him blaming, reviling, advising cursed the men of his ill-favoured crew. For not a man among them but knew that somewhere someone had blundered.

Then the cattle, charging down the side of the hill in the dark, must have blundered up against the wagon and just bowled it over. They are so big and clumsy, you see, and when once they start there is no stopping them. Now, if the wagon is badly damaged, we shall be put to no end of expense because of my carelessness."

As it was, with fear at my heels and a plenty of inexperience to guide me, I crawled through thickets and blundered over sharply pointed rocks; found myself on the verge of falls from twenty to thirty feet in depth; twisted my ankles, pushed my head into cactus, tangled myself in creepers; found and followed goat-tracks which led into other goat-tracks and ended nowhere; tore my hands with briers and my shoes on jagged granite; tumbled into beds of fern, sweated, plucked at arresting thorns, and at the end of twenty minutes discovered what every Corsican knows from infancy that to lose one's way in the macchia is the simplest thing in life.

She smiled with her extraordinary, almost comic, radiance. "I'll go and make the tea." Because Daniel blundered through the doorway at that moment, Miriam followed Helen to the kitchen. "He's going to teach me to drive," she said. "But what a horse! It goes on from generation to generation, like the practice!"